Just a wife and family appreciation post. My wife and I both work full time jobs and have three beautiful children, she as a full time night nurse. I have more flexibility with my job to watch our youngest and work while she sleeps on her off days. She is an incredible woman and we have supported each other through our college years of a masters degree and a second bachelors degree for her, from where it all started as juniors in high school.

She is currently carrying our fourth child at twenty weeks like a rockstar. We have been so busy lately that we haven’t gotten a lot of time for us time between the kids, school, and work. I have been catching up on work in the evenings whenever I am able. Kids are all asleep she texts me:
🚿🍆💦❓and hot damn I reply ❤️😍🍑🥵

Never sprinted so fast up the stairs.

I am an incredibly lucky man to have found my wife so early in life and that we get to spend the rest of our lives enjoying this crazy ride called life.

I hope everyone out there is able to take a few moments to enjoy the little things in life that bring such joy.

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