Hi, I (25m) am going through a dating rough patch. I’ve previously been in a long term relationship that ended really toxic and has left my view of dating tainted. The past relationship involved cheating and lying/abuse towards me. That was about 2 years ago. I have since been using dating apps and casually dating.

I met this girl (23f) on a dating app. “Girl A.” We saw each-other for over a year, hooking up. Then her dad died and she had to travel far away for a while. She came back and wanted a relationship. I got nervous (from my past) and she also let herself go a little which I understand but I felt less attracted to her. I just started a new job and told her I need space and Im not ready. She respected that and we are just friends now. She is so kind, and sweet, but I dont feel super attracted to her physically.

I then started talking to “girl B” 23f. She is super attractive, but has some red flags that my old ex had: male friends, flirtatious with everyone, etc. We just started hooking up and going on dates. We have the best physical chemistry out of anyone in my entire life. Personality wise she is really sweet though too and said she wants a relationship. I feel conflicted of what I want and hesitant to jump into anything given my past. I feel guilty I ended things with girl A and my mind is all over the place. I cant stop thinking about girl B, I feel obsessed about her.

Any advice?

Tldr: dating rough patch, hesitant to get into a relationship, need some advice

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