Where Have You Found Meaning or Purpose in Your Life?

  1. I don’t really have a meaning for it, life is a thing to appreciate and enjoy, (where possible obviously, we all have to work,) try and thrive instead of survive.

    Outside of enjoying happiness for myself, bring a bit of happiness to others as well. If I can leave this life having had a positive impact on those I know then I’d consider it a life well lived. Whether it’s providing an ear to listen, or just giving someone a laugh; anything that makes their day a bit brighter.

    [Also to use the semi-colon; even if it’s not appropriate usage and a comma would suffice.]

  2. For me it was the military. It expanded my horizons, gave me general life experience, traveled, met lots of people.

    I grew up sheltered and spoiled. I didn’t really have a life before the military but I also didn’t have it bad. But I’ve done so many things I never thought I’ve done and I’ve met so many great people and I’ve been to many places.

  3. Hobbies, friends and family.

    I like to design and make things, mostly out of wood and then do engravings.

  4. Buying Land and Building a Town, sustainability and self-sufficient to be independent from society.

  5. I’m still looking for meaning / purpose. Closest I’ve come is I like helping others so I do where I can including regular Repair Cafe’s.

  6. There is no meaning, just enjoy yourself, be kind to others, and eventually, you’ll be dead.

  7. Meaning is made up, so it’s whatever you decide. The only meaning I have found is to enjoy life as best I can and minimize pain.

  8. My Daughter. I lost my dad when I was 35. I’ve got younger siblings. The effect it had on me and my siblings makes we want to be around as long as possible for her.

  9. Guiding my son in such a way that he can learn from my mistakes instead of repeating them himself.

  10. 2 ways:
    1. Being a father
    2. A few years ago I decided when I thought something nice about someone I’d tell them, so I’ll tell a stranger their green hair looks awesome or they picked a really talented tattoo artist, or their dog is awesome, or they radiate kindness, etc. I occasionally get a weird look but the overwhelming majority of the time I get a big smile in return.

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