I just started talking to a girl and went to her place to hang out last weekend. We had a great time and I want to see her again. She said we can’t chill at her place this weekend because of other people that live with her are uncomfortable with new people (they weren’t there last weekend) but she would love to come to see me.

The problem is I’m currently in a transitionary period in my life and I’m renting a room in someone’s house right now. It’s literally a 8 by 9 room with a twin bed, a desk, a dresser and a closet. I’ve lived there for a few months but I basically only go there to sleep and study. Also the landlords are always there as they own the house. I barely decorated it and basically just use it as a dorm room.
The thought of bringing a girl back there is so embarrassing and don’t know what the best course or action is.

Should I just take her out to eat and maybe find some other small activities to do and then get a hotel room? She said she’s mainly a homebody and prefers to chill and do more nerdy stuff and I just wish her place was available for us to hangout. I want to be with her more than anything and I just hope she doesn’t think lesser of me because of my current living situation.

I know I need to get a new bed (atleast a queen) and better ways to entertain at my place but I just don’t want to lose her because of this.

What would you do in my situation?

  1. I would be up front with her and let her know where you’re at. If you get a hotel I think she may interpret things differently- if she isn’t aware of the situation and you take her to a hotel room she might either think you’re cheating on someone, or you have an expectation of sex. But if you talk about why you don’t really want to have her over, you may find out she doesn’t really mind, and if she does you can get a hotel.

  2. I would take her out and plan a few things as you suggest.

    I recommend at some point just being honest with her that your in a temporary place right now and its a bit basic so not the nicest place to invite her and your a bit embarassed.

    She was honest with you about her housemates, so i think she will appreciate you just being honest, it will be fine.

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