Hey can anyone can share their thoughts/experience on online dating for men from the Middle East. I’ve heard apps are more difficult for people of Asian/South Asian descent due to innate racial biases. Do Middle Eastern guys run into similar struggles with girls on apps? I know some guys from certain middle eastern countries can pretty much pass off as white. How about those with a slightly darker skin tone and Arabic name? It’s rough for me right now. Would like some advice.

  1. I hate to say it because it is a harsh reality, but try to look as American or British, or Canadian as you possibly can or wherever you are. That will cast a wider net if it is your goal to get a bunch of matches and filter out to the best ones. Know that there are typically 2 to 4 guys for every girl on the dating apps, other than Bumble, so crossing your fingers and hoping somebody will like you just for who you are without putting in the effort to it won’t work well.

    When it comes to attraction, people like what they like. Usually girls that like to date men from other cultures have that kind of exotic desire within them but that’s a smaller percentage of women. Women that usually date people from their own culture will sometimes cross over, but that person from the other culture has to be similar or a familiar enough vibe for them to do that.

  2. I think you may find that the problems are less about racial biases, and more about cultural biases. Men from the middle east are often very religious, especially Muslim men, and can treat women from western countries very disrespectfully. Women’s rights aren’t exactly treated as important in many of these places, and western women aren’t usually willing to give up our freedoms to religious men with different ideas about a woman’s place in this world.

    Technically, in the US, you would still be considered and equal on racial terms that our forefathers set, because we all share ancestors from the fertile crescent. You would be considered white on a census.

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