Hi fellow Redditers, recently I have looked into myself and realized that I have some flaws in socializing. It’s not that Im shy or completely a shutdown, but from what my boyfriends and family said, I definitely am thoughtless in socializing sometimes. For example, my friend were showing a student ID card to a staff student and I show mine into her face (not completely into her face). And for another example, I was having coversation with my labmate then I bring up that I was having periods, and my boyfriend overheard it and later on, he told he there’s nothing wrong with period blood but I shouldn’t talk about it to an acquaintance randomly. Therefore, if there are any tips on how to be mindful in socializing, I would really appreciate y’all input! Because I am in college, in a few more years I would enter adulthood, I would love to make some change to myself before causing my careers any troubles.

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