My wife and I have been together for 25 years. We’ve always had a pretty good sex life. About 4 months ago she started bioidentical hormone replacement therapy testosterone. She has turned into a nympho. It’s unbelievable she wants sex all the time. Two three times a day for hours on. It’s the most incredible thing ever. New kinks are showing up or having massive amounts of anal sex. Gosh, has this ever opened up a new reality for us? Anyone else experience the same? What have you guys done to take things to a new level now that my wife is basically up for anything?

  1. I’m on the same thing as your wife and it made me the same way. My husband has been extremely happy lately.
    We have been together almost 30 years, and it’s like a whole new world opened up. We are having so much fun.

  2. Me too. It’s weird. Last week I fucked 5 times and this week been really busy but twice and hopefully again tonight. We’ve been buying new toys and testing them out.

    Update i just remembered I’ve been taking the living libidio olly vitamins

  3. Not to the same level, but my sex drive also went up pretty significantly recently. Not sure if it’s a function of hormonal changes as I’m getting older, or the boob job I got 6 months ago, but hey somethings working.

  4. From the other perspective, I’m a husband that’s been on TRT for a while and my sex drive is absolutely vile now. I thought when I was young I had an overactive drive, but it’s twice as strong now. It’s a side effect of elevated testosterone levels.

    My only advice is to enjoy it.

  5. Yup. Same when my wife got her 1st round of BioT. I think they dose the first one real heavy keep the woman chasing that buzz. Because the second and third applications did not have the same effect so she kept going back for more, trying to get the same effect. It was sure a lot of fun while it lasted but it won’t last forever.

  6. same here. i started taking testosterone via pellets due to extremely low T levels. Crazy how it flips on the switch for sex!! My husband is not complaining.

  7. What the hell is bioidentical testosterone vs just testosterone?

    Also what led her to getting her t levels checked?

  8. Man I wish doctors in the US were more open to testosterone replacement for women. It’s extremely rare. Not even my endocrinologist wants to touch it.

  9. Same 100%. Had a hysterectomy at 47, got on bioidentical hormones and I’ve been on fire ever since. I firmly believe I had very little testosterone before my surgery because the difference is unbelievable. We now are also regular users of edibles and that has increased my drive any more.

    Yes to everything you said above but I can only manage once a day because it is so intense. My husband says best sex of our lives.

  10. Yes. Bioidentical T therapy will have her completely undomesticated and cock crazed. Hormones are a powerful thing. I cannot even concieve the horniness that consumes a typical man with literally 10x as much T (than a woman would have *after* T-therapy) in his body.

  11. It will level off after about a year so enjoy it! (She will still be horny but not ready to hump anything nearby at any given second.)
    As a female who has been on it for 2 years, make sure her hormones are getting tested regularly and watch out for virilization.

  12. Happened to me when I went off birth control. Had been on it for about 7 years consistently and it’s like I had become a teenager craving sex all the time. My husband was getting tired I was asking too much lol

  13. This has been every relationship I’ve ever been in; I’m convinced that women have a *far* higher sex drive than men do. I once *averaged* three times a day for 180 days, due to being unemployed for about four months and having to work around her schedule, and I have no real idea how I even survived that. Any LTR I’ve been in I’ve been free use because there’s simply no way my sex drive can live up to what women want.

    Enjoy it while you can because it inevitably comes to an end, as all good things do 👍🏼

  14. Serious question: How does one get this bioidentical hormone replacement therapy testosterone?

  15. My wife of 26yrs has had the same thing happen, minus hormone replacement. Since she’s entered peri menopause her drive has gone from once a week to 5-6 times a week. Including wanting to try more kinky things. No complaints here. Enjoy the ride

  16. Cool story and heard also from acquaintances this happens. I never wanted to intrude their life since I’m not that familiar with them, but did have a burning question afterwards; based on what ground did you get TRT prescribed?

  17. I can absolutely relate to this. So much so that I told my hormone doc yesterday to lower how much T they are giving me. He said it’s actually not the T in women that’s responsible for libido, it’s actually the excess estrogen that’s responsible. The testosterone somehow converts to estrogen and sure enough my estrogen is sky high. Instead of lowering my T they gave me a pill to lower my estrogen. Hopefully this works. I’m so horny it’s distracting.

  18. As a woman on HRT dealing with this B.S. called peri-menopause, this is GREAT! But maybe she might need to tweak her dosage. 😉

    I can’t wait till my dosage does something similar. This menopausal hormone shifting is a full on nightmare.

  19. I just wanna take this moment to say that the risks of trt should not be understated. Sounds like many people here are looking to get on the pill for a higher libido. Thats not a good reason.

    Trt stands for testosterone REPLACEMENT therapy. Thats because as soon as you start taking it, your body stops naturally producing testosterone. So if your T levels are normal, then let your body keep producing it. You dont need the pill.

    Again, let me embolden this: its hormone replacement. Its not a multivitamin supplement.

  20. My best friend was raving about his wife being on bioidentical hormone replacement. Unfortunately she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer a year later and things went downhill after that. I don’t know if it’s correlated, but she seems to thinks so.

  21. My gf is on HRT and two years in we’ve had four nights together where we haven’t had sex. Two of those were because we were on an international flight and two were because her daughter was sleeping over without a door between us and her.

    There’s a lot of nights we have sex two or three times. We recently went on a five day trip and had sex for ten hours over those five days.

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