I don’t get pleasure from it personally, so I’m not sure if there is something wrong with me? Ladies, please describe what penetration and sex feels like and if it’s enjoyable to you?

  1. For me, sometimes I just want something up in there. Toys come in handy if no one is around. If there is someone, then it’s a sigh of relief.

    Sometimes I feel like it’s a selfish thing depending on the person you’re with. When they give back, it’s good and great but at times they finish too fast and then it’s over.

    It also depends on the position as well but I think it depends on the other person to help you finish or not

  2. Nothing is wrong with you. I get almost nothing from PIV. Just feels like pressure. Get a clit toy to use during that way you can climax too.

  3. For me, at first it feels great, then if he’s hitting a spot, hard, (fast or slow) it’s amazing and my entire body tingles and gets hot with immense pleasure! I sometimes want penetration over clitoral stimulation.

  4. Sex can feel very different for women based on the situation surrounding it. It can be awkward, painful, romantic, mind-blowing. Your head-space will determine how it is. If you do a lot of foreplay with a guy you are super turned on by its like a satisfying filling explosion. I do also agree that I need some other kind of stimulation to actually orgasm but it can be a very good feeling regardless. Work on getting to the right headspace, more foreplay. And hey some people are not that into PIV so thats fine too.

  5. I didn’t enjoy sex until I met my (now ex) boyfriend. I had sex with probably 7-8 guys before meeting him, and it just felt like… regular touching? Like if someone touched my leg. It just wasn’t exciting. I never finished and I really just didn’t enjoy it. I mean, it was hot because I like making out and I like the process of sex, I guess? I like being desired, so those things were sexy. But I had zero emotional connection to any of these guys. And even with my boyfriend, the first handful of times weren’t that great – again, kind of mechanical and just void of much sensation. THENNNNN, one night, we were going much slower. I was probably at a good place in my cycle, and I was super horny. He was on top and just doing the same little motion over and over because I was telling him to, and I had a g-spot orgasm. That was the turning point in sex for me. It was incredible. We had a really good sex life after that. So it’s possible that you just haven’t found someone whom you have really good sexual chemistry with.

  6. I don’t want this to sound like porn. But I want to answer what it feels like.
    I’ve only been with a few guys, and it is only one of them that made it feel like this. The rest just felt moving in and out in my lady bits and more than a little lost. But when it’s good, it’s good.

    Being entered there is a stretching, a feeling of fullness. I get tickles (not the annoying kind, but the kind that make you want to just sigh), and a rubbing feeling, it makes me feel like a cat where I roll and move around so that every spot is touched, which is why it’s impossible to lay still when having really good piv sex.

    The more excited you get, the more lubricated you become, which just intensifies the feeling.
    And that’s is when it just gets started.
    The in and out change the feeling that you get based on the speed and strength and rhythm he uses. It can feel slow and leisurely, stretching out the pleasure. Or fast and hard where it feels like you are racing to the finish with every stroke bringing you closer.

    My personal favorite is fast and hard because when done the way I like…. it hits my spot every time which is a sharp pleasure, it takes your breath away, and his body will hit your clit, and I think we all know how great that feels.

    When I come from piv, it feels completely different than from a nonpiv experience… it lasts a bit longer and is more intense.
    I find I can’t get that from toys. So if I’m using a toy solo or with a female partner, it’s not worth trying for that…. It’s better to just go for nonpiv and enjoy that for its own sake, which can be amazing on its own.

    I will say some of the things I learned about piv are….

    1. Try different positions. What works with one partner or in your imagination might not work out when you try it again.
    2. Be very wet. If you need lube, have it nearby or if you don’t and can self lubricate, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Lol.
    3. Get out of your head. Make your to-do lists later. For now, focus on pleasure. If that’s hard to do, try centering all your attention on what feels good.
    4. Bring in an “old faithful” toy if needed.
    5. Tell if something is hurting in a bad way.
    6. Be open to trying new thing, you never know what you might end up liking.
    7. Keep a sense of humor in the bedroom.
    8. Don’t be so self conscious, he is with you because he wants to be… and nobody is perfect. Just let go of the sheet and stop trying to hide your body.
    9. Relax
    10. Have fun!

    Hope that helps,

  7. It feels so good I go speechless. Even when it hurts at the start to put it in, and then your partner starts moaning or deeply breathing and that hard wonderful thing in going in and out. It feels like I’m orgasming but not as strong. I feel so filled. And then you can’t get enough so you ask for him to go quicker and harder and it only gets better, now the orgasm feels even stronger but not a climax.. And rhen he can’t take it and cums and now I’m frustrated

  8. I need both.. I could never actually get off with PIV alone. I need a ton of clitoral and g spot stimulation.

  9. To me it feels like my whole body is being shaken from the inside. You know how your stomach clenches pleasurably when you’re on a swing, or you close your eyes on a moving vehicle? It’s like that. Except continuous. Very pleasurable in the lower belly. And also then depending on the position, you have your partner on top of you, all the skin on your body touching… It’s wonderful.

  10. I’ve never had an orgasm from PIV but it is still my favourite part of sex. I love the full feeling and I get close to finishing so I kind of stay at a high for a while until he finishes. I like being fucked as opposed to being the one in control, certain positions are better though. I would suggest trying different positions to see if there is one that feels better for you.

  11. Honestly, it took me a few years to get into sex and actually enjoy it.
    I had to learn about my likes and dislikes, get into tune with my body and understand what I like but also learnt to not overthink everything in the moment.
    The more distracted I am, the less I enjoy it. I need to have some for of a connection with someone and I also know that if I get off first I will enjoy it more.
    But for me it also depends on the guy and the penis, not all penis’ fit well or feel good, some are too big and hurt and some just don’t work. Every penis and vagina is different and some times it can take time to custom yourself to one.
    Self educating and find out what works for you and learn what turn you on I think might help 🙂

    Also note, not every female can cum from penetration alone and that is normal. Most females need clitoral stimulation!

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