My friend (25f) and I (25f) are trying to figure out if it’s just us, or normal for all relationships to lose romantic interest after a few years. We both have been in long term relationships and feel no romantic interest in either. my partner (32m) and I have been together for 2 years but friends for 10 and my friend for 4 years with her partner (25m). We don’t know if it’s just and us thing, bc trauma? (We both are in extensive trauma therapy) or if this is a legitimate concern.

TL;DR; My friend (25f) and I (25f) are trying to figure out if it’s just us, or normal for all relationships to lose romantic interest after a few years.

  1. I don’t think it’s normal to have a timeline of losing romantic feelings, but it’s normal for everything in a relationship to ebb and flow. However, a complete loss of romantic feelings, regardless of trauma, means there just isn’t anything there anymore. I grew up extremely abused, and my first long term partner abused me for years, but I still loved him. But now I’m in another relationship after years of therapy etc and the romantic feelings haven’t changed. There’s no more honeymoon period, but no lack of romantic feelings.

  2. If your asking dose passion fad then answer is yes. But I’m gathering by the trauma being mentioned that it’s deeper than just missing the passion that takes place in the beginning.

  3. The honeymoon phase fades. U can become comfortable but u shouldn’t lose romantic feelings, no. There are ppl that have been married for 30 years who are still madly in love. It’s normal to be a little complacent but the feelings should still be there if u care. Relationships also take effort from both sides to keep the spark alive.

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