Whether diet, sleep patterns, purchases, exercise, etc. Let’s hear it.

  1. Fasting

    It sounds dumb but we aren’t meant to eat three meals a day

    Also trying to eat more whole food, it’s cheaper and healthier in the long run

  2. Stopped blaming others. Everything in my life is my doing. I take responsibility for the life I have. There’s no need to blame others and waste my mental health on anger toward things that just don’t matter. If it happens, it’s because of me and I will do my best always.

  3. Using my cpap

    Was told for years I snored really bad and.that my breathing stopped. Finally got a sleep study and got cpap took a long time to get used to it. Now omg life is so much better

  4. Started going to meet ups for things I enjoy. I’ve made more friends and even gotten into some others things due to it.

    I now LARP and do medieval re-enactment groups because friends from those meets ups did it and invited me along.

    It’s really helped with my mental health, especially in autumn months.

    Edit: spelling/grammar

  5. Regular exercise and better diet mostly. Stopped giving a shit what others think also helps.

  6. Started dancing a few years back. Motivated me to get in shape, helped me become extremely social, became a creative outlet, and gave me something that I can now take in to professional environments due to leadership experience in community based groups/companies/projects.

  7. Started doing Muay Thai at 15 cos I thought it was cool. 7 years later and I realised how much it’s transformed me from the insecure, picked on kid I was. Gave me the confidence to be a man (grew up with single mom), taught me discipline, gave me a skill to be proud of, met many great people with similar values/interests and world level fighters, and so much more

  8. Stopped eating like a Viking just home from six months at sea. Which ain’t easy because my wife is a spectacular cook.

  9. Cut out all processed sugars, alcohol and porn. HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE life changing experience.

    It transfers you from a mere mortal to a supernatural creature in comparison.

  10. Weight lifting, a diet high in protein and fibre, and lots of water. Seriously, it fixed my spine, rid me of aches I had, made me more active and resilient. It’s the best idea ever.

  11. * quit smoking
    * cut sugars
    * eat zero processed foods
    * go to bed and wake up same time every day – even weekends

  12. Working from home has changed my whole diet and workout schedule. I can’t believe how often I’d get up from my desk at work to eat or snack.

  13. Ended up in the hospital with an abnormal heart rhythm. Cardiologist looked down my throat and asked if I snored. Confirming I did, I was referred for a sleep apnea evaluation.

    That was 10 years ago. Amazing what being treated for sleep apnea does for your health!

  14. Quit drinking alcohol and minimize sugar intake. Drink more water and sleep/wake earlier. Literally night and day difference. I’m happy

  15. Exercising very frequently.

    If you have been a couch potato for a long time, 2 hours a week makes a big difference.

    But 6 hours a week? The way your body changes will downright shock you.

  16. Be actively positive and optimistic. Everything in life is framed through your perspective. I’m a much happier person as a result. Woman find it much more attractive. My family and work colleagues have noticed as well. Life is tough, don’t make it any harder than it already is.

  17. Lifting 5-6 days a week. The gym has become my second home and the mental and physical benefits are worth my time and money. With that, I also pay really close attention to my diet and sleep. I track my food intake and try to buy the best quality I can afford. Wild caught, pasture raised, grass fed, etc. Still working on the sleep, but I put sleep above exercise/diet. You’ll make no progress with bad sleep.

  18. well, i was an alcoholic. Id gone from functioning, to not functioning, and towards the end i was in freefall and probably had a year or 2 to live. So quitting alcohol obviously had a massive impact on my life. Even after 12 years or so waking up without a hangover is a minor miracle and a joyful start to the day.

  19. Stopped drinking coffee. I feel like my energy level is more even and I don’t have any bathroom issues and I save money.

  20. Lost about 30 pounds walking. Seriously. Not running, or extreme drastic diet changes, or massive time commitments. Cut out soda, cut out snacking, and a 2 mile walk, brisk walking pace, for about 45 minutes every day. I feel younger than I did when I was actually younger.

  21. – Quit smoking and Vaping
    – Bought a nice bed and always prioritizing getting enough sleep
    – Do Yoga once a week
    – Get a pet. Seriously, they do wonders for mental health
    – Make a budget every year and try to stick with it. Put money away every paycheck for savings and retirement.
    – Go outside when the weather is nice

  22. Therapy, TRT, reducing/avoiding alcohol, Muay Thai, journaling.

    Need to hit more meetup groups but EVERYTHING is alcohol related.

    I need a better job and change of scenery but doing what I can.

  23. Keeping goals quiet and excising negative people out of my life.

    Our thoughts are influenced by the company we keep.

  24. Started drinking Metamucil. My cholesterol was high but after six months of using the stuff I’ve dropped my number by 18pts.
    The biggest bonus is when going #2. Super easy and very thorough.

  25. At 60 years old I lost 120# over the last 18 months. I went from 200+ units of insulin daily and had severe sleep apnea. Now I’m insulin free and my sleep apnea is essentially cured. I’m now the same weight as I was in my 20’s.

  26. Daily excercise. Weights every three days. Good night’s sleep. I don’t eat processed foods.

    There’s about 25kg less of me than there used to be.

  27. Eating more vegetables. Quit drinking and staying sober. Daily exercise as well. Plus regular sleep and not missing any sleep and also drinking more plain water. The secrets to life are pretty basic but it just takes some time and effort and that’s where people fail usually. Everyone wants that quick instant fix.

  28. Cut out all the shitty, selfish people I knew – whether that be former “friends”, partners, relatives, etc. It’s so freeing and takes such a weight off your life. And now I am much more selective with whom I engage and interact with.

  29. When covid hit my hours got slashed.
    I realized the less I work, the happier I am. Pretty obvious but hard to realize working 40 hours a week consistently. I cut my hours back quite a bit and only work what I need to.

    Not exactly a good idea for the future but I’d rather enjoy my life while I’m young enough to do so.

  30. I (52M) recently lost 200lbs of excess weight. During this journey, I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease (PD). I realised that this meant I’d had it for most if not all of the weight loss. As it turns out, exercise and healthy nutrition is better at reducing symptoms and slowing disease progression than the prescribed meds. Knowing this I’ve kept up with this lifestyle.

    10 years ago I couldn’t climb a single flight of stairs in one go. Now, at 52yo and with PD, I train x4 per week, I’m putting on muscle, and I hike mountains (sometimes including a solo wild camp near the top carrying 20-25kg of kit).

    Because of the weight loss, I’m able to be live my life like I’m 10 years younger, and am often able to disregard my PD. My potential life outcomes are now extraordinarily better than they could’ve been.

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