I first thought that people on the internet were just creating uneatable foods, which some people would like, but I started seeing more and more people ACTUALLY putting cheetos/taki’s(which I am guessing is just something like cheetos, since I don’t think I ever ate it) in food various ways, like coating them with it before frying and so on.
Is this actually something that is done by people outside of the cooking videos with “weird” ideas, usually making me wanna cry with the 5 blocks of cheese they use.

  1. ​

    Doing unusual things gets clicks. Someone boiling some noodles in water isn’t going to get as many clicks outside of ASMR shit.

  2. Lol I put knock-off brand Cheetos in meatloaf once because I didn’t have breadcrumbs

    It was not all that bad. Just made it cheesy tasting. Would not do it again unless needed

    You are likely seeing more and more videos due to the algorithm

  3. I’ve never really used takis or Cheetos necessarily but I really enjoy Frito-pie. Some people put chips on their sandwiches, and I’ve used chips in certain casseroles but that’s not something that’s specific to the US.

  4. The only people I have ever seen do this are mukbang YouTubers. Never seen it offline. Pretty sure it’s something done for clicks.

  5. Pulverized Nacho Cheese Doritos make a badass salad topping, *in lieu des croutons*.

    Using French to make it sound all classy and shit.

  6. You’re watching ragebait “cooking content”. When you watch it, your algorithm feeds your more similar content.

    No, this is not how we cook. I had oatmeal for breakfast, I’m making chicken soup for lunch and it won’t have any Cheetos in it.

  7. Takis aren’t anything like Cheetos. The seasoning that gets put on Flaming Hot Cheetos is similar to the seasoning on Fuego Takis.

    Takis are rolled corn tortilla chips. They are originally from Mexico but have gotten popular in the United States. The name is a play on the word “taquitos” which is a food that Takis resemble.

  8. There’s a taco shop near me that is called “Tu Taco” that has a “Flamin’ Hot” section on their menu that are all items that use Flamin’ Hot Cheetos as an ingredient.

    It’s across the street from a High School so it kind of makes sense.

  9. I went to a dinner in South Georgia and a woman made [this corn “salad”](https://fakeginger.com/fritos-corn-salad/) and it has Fritos in it. I must admit, it was freeking delicious, although barely resembled anything I call a salad. I can’t help but feel like if you just put the Fritos on the side and called it a dip it would be more respectable.

  10. I’ve done it once, crushed up some Cheetos to bread some chicken. It was ok. I definitely did it because it was weird, and not because it was normal though

    But things like nachos and Frito pie where chips are the base for other foods are absolutely part of a regular diet, and putting chips on sandwiches or burgers for some crunch is not unheard of.

  11. I made fried chicken with crushed Cheatos once. It was extremely boring.

    Many of those aren’t made by Americans. Most of those videos aren’t stuff people normally make here and often enough they don’t even eat their own creations. Seriously watch how often they don’t even put it in their mouths.

  12. I had elote with hot Cheetos on it recently, only time I can think of that I ate something cooked with chip dust (unless frying chicken with corn flakes as breading counts but that seems more old timey). The elote was ok, I don’t think the hot Cheetos really added much.

  13. Putting some potato chips in a sandwich is common. But most people aren’t going to bother to crumble up Cheetos to use as breading for frying. That’s definitely for the views.

  14. I’ve seen people put chips (potato chips, Fritos corn chips and the like) on top of baked items (like a baked cheese and bean casserole) for extra saltiness and crunch.

    [Like this recipe.](https://www.bettycrocker.com/recipes/fritos-pie-casserole/385cf06d-1ead-4fea-afbf-91f2821696fa)

    Usually it’s a “comfort food” thing.

    Same with putting potato chips as a layer in a sandwich. (Works very well with a tuna salad sandwich, with the layer of potato chips between the lettuce and bread.)

    (I’m discounting the weird cooking videos that do stupid things for clicks.)

  15. We have a local brand of spicy chips called Red Hot Riplets. I’ve had sandwiches at restaurants with RHPs on top and I know that people will bread chicken with them. You can even buy a jar of the seasoning on its own.

  16. One of my local taco trucks puts flaming hot Cheetos on their street tacos. Cracked me up when I saw the pic on FB.

  17. Rarely. Aside from the occasional person that likes to put chips on their sandwich, the only time I can think of is maybe a challenge where you have to use a list of ingredients.

    Edit: I just remembered to mention that Fritos is a common base for haystacks.

  18. Goldfish crackers ranch baked chicken tenders and sheet pan nachos with Doritos is about as far as I’ve gone

  19. Americans are far more likely to cook with roadkill, tree bark, and yes, dirt, than our more sophisticated international counterparts.

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