I recently started university and I thought it would be amazing that I would meet a lot of people and make friends and meet a nice girl to hang out with. But I don’t know why things would be different from what they used to be. Until I moved to start university, I had the same friends for years, since childhood, never felt the need to make new friends. I only dated one girl. I haven’t been having success with making friends or girls for quite some time. I’m quite fit comparing two guys at my age, I surf, go to the gym, play guitar, I like to cook, I study a lot, take care of my health and appearance. I just don’t know what else I should be doing. At the beginning of classes, I initiated conversation, but things never moved from small talk, and the next day felt like we didn’t even know each other. Why am I the only one who have trouble with this thing? Everyone around me seems to have already made friends, relationships etc. Can anyone help me?

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