I’ve been dating this guy for 10 months now, everything always seems so great when we’re together. But when we don’t see each other it feels like he’s cold sometimes and warm others. He will sometimes disappear in texting for hours and then message that he was sleeping. And when I message during the time he wakes and ask him what his plans are he says asleep. I feel I give him so much space but then I’m left feeling like I’m a bother. I literally only see him on days he says are good for him. Am I just overthinking or is he just keeping me around till he finds someone else?

  1. You are absolutely not overthinking this at all, and you are still so valid for feeling this way. It sounds like he is not giving you the attention that you deserve and should bring it up with him soon to avoid feeling this anxious with him!

  2. If it has been 10 months and he is still this bad at texting with you and setting up plans for dates, I’d recommend proceeding with caution at this point.

    Personally, I’m a bad texter so early on, I do keep the texting to a minimum but if I’m interested in someone, I do reach out to have her accompany me to places I am planning to go to.

    No idea about this whole sleeping excuse he’s using… you are saying that you text him during the day and he hits you up hours later apologizing for the delay and that he was napping? Tbh, doesn’t sound like someone who has an active lifestyle and wasting his time sleeping all the damn time.

  3. Yep, he’s not taking you seriously. Sorry. You should really get to know a person more before sleeping with them. Also, if you work on yourself and improve on adding value and other aspects to you that make you priceless, you may notice a different outcome.

    If you remain exactly the same as you are now, you may likely keep experiencing things like this. Maybe start with dressing better. Be creative. Don’t do the whole black, white yoga pants or tight jeans. Try being more graceful and classy

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