Hello I am a 22 years old woman but I moved to the UK when I was 13 so my native language is not English but Spanish. My friends have pointed out that my personality changes a lot when I speak in English they say I sound to formal and since they pointed it out I’ve become hyper aware.

I wouldn’t really pay much attention to it but I noticed how this is affecting me in many areas of my life. I know guys notice this in my personality and I probably come across as too serious and less fun, today I got a decline in a job offer because even though they said I answered everything correctly I couldn’t seem to be able to have an informal chat and be less direct which I think they are referring to my “English personality” which is naturally a lot more formal lol. Honestly all my close friendships are with people that also speak Spanish so I’m sure this might be a reason why.

I think it might be a combination of my tone that sounds too serious and the words I use are way more formal because I learned English when I was doing exams so I had to write in a formal tone and it translated to my everyday English.

How could I come across as more friendly, fun and warm like I am naturally without feeling like the English is shielding my personality?

  1. Practicing casual conversation can help you loosen up your English! This app’s chatbot feels like chatting with a friend and even gives you hints to sound more natural. Might be just what you need to bridge that gap! 😊🗣️✨ https://fluentbuddy.com

  2. 1) Smile more 😀
    2) Be upfront and honest that you are bilingual and are passionate to become more comfortable speaking English – this will sound impressive and will like a breath of fresh air for anyone getting to know you
    3) With practice, insecurities become strengths. Don’t give up. You want to be friendly, fun, and warm, and that will undoubtedly show through!!!

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