i used to live with my mom and we got evicted, i moved in with my bf and his family for a month until i could find my own place. when i did my bf said he was gonna stay at his families house but help me out. he ended up staying over every single day and eventually just never went back to his families house. but he still believes he doesn’t live here, he won’t bring any of his stuff over except his clothes. he’s always calling it my house and my room and everything in this place is mine he refuses to bring anything over.
recently hes been picking fights with me, pushing my buttons and saying really mean stuff to me but the second i say anything back he says well have fun paying the rent. then he starts getting all his stuff like he’s gonna leave. he’s done this like 10 times already but he knows if he leaves i won’t be able to pay the rent and i’ll be homeless. i feel hopeless because i have nowhere to go. i’ve been walking on eggshells around him so he wouldn’t do this anymore but he still does it. im pretty sure he’s gonna do it when he gets home in a couple hours.
i just don’t know what to do i’m miserable with him but i have nowhere to go. i can’t go with my mom, i don’t make enough money to afford anything here by myself (i don’t make 3 times the rent for anything around here), i signed up for housing over a year ago and im still on the waitlist. i don’t have any money for a deposit or first months rent, and the only person who was able and willing to help me out just passed away. i feel trapped and i’m scared i don’t know what to do. i know some apts can get u cheaper rent if u qualify but looking at some it seems like u can’t have any evictions on ur record and i have one from last year when i was with my mom and if he leaves and stops paying his half i’ll have one from here too. do y’all know any programs or anything i can try and sign up for or what i should do? im in texas

1 comment
  1. If you’re willing to be a caregiver, I’d suggest trying to find a live-in situation.

    But you really have to dedicate yourself. I’d go on YouTube and learn all you can, watch some videos on how to transfer and bathe someone. Write a small resume, mostly saying basic stuff about how you’re willing to learn and you’re a people person. If you’ve ever babysat you can put that in too.

    They usually pay you well, plus free room.

    You can also try this with being a live-in housekeeper. Again, be dedicated and watch some videos.

    Or a live-in nanny. Again, watch videos. And look online and start applying.

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