What would your response be if someone you didn’t know very well seemed normal and friendly but you were told they assaulted/harassed someone?

  1. I don’t automatically take what any random person tells me as a truth, so I’d keep the “accused” at a healthy distance while I asked around and/or did some digging to see if they’d been charged with anything, and then use that to decide whether I trust them or not.

  2. I would ask the ‘accuser’ some questions. What happened, how do they know, what happened after, etc…

    Then I would have to make a judgement. Does the accusation seem credible (first hand witness?), or does it seem tenuous (I heard it from x, who heard it from y?). Is the accusation very serious , like SA, stalking? Or is it more subjective ‘they double texted me?’

    I would completely discount someone ‘seeming nice.’ While some predators are obviously creepy, many seem normal and even charming. Bill Cosby and Ted Bundy spring to mind.

  3. I’d ask for a little more info, but most likely would believe the accuser, especially if they said the person assaulted or harassed them personally. If they said that person harassed their cousin’s ex-girlfriend’s hairdresser or something, that might be a little different.

  4. Depends on how much I know about them and the incidents. Most likely, distance myself from them for my safety.

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