removed from close friends insta account and she seems to have something against me

So there is this guy i used to talk to a lot (A) and we have a little something going. But things didn’t go much further than that, but we would still be friendly with each other.

It was at a clubbing event where I brought I few of my friends and one in particular (C) was there. (A) and (C) have never met prior to this event.

I am in (C)’s close friends private insta account that as around only 40-50 friends and have always been part of her close friends list.

Months later (C) invites me to another event and when I show up I see (A) and i later get told that they have a thing for each other. Obviously a little offended they didn’t let me know but nothing serious.

However throughout the night I felt left out by (C) and her group of friends. They are relatively antisocial and only really talked amongst them selves, the whole night some of them didn’t even introduce themselves. When I make attempts to join their conversation they act all awkward. I felt so unwanted and left out there left early.

(A) and (C) were all over each other that night

When I left early we were all sitting at a U shape sofa, (A and C) sat across me. Even then when I yelled over to (C) that I was leaving she didn’t hear me. But (A) heard and pretended not to hear and ignored me putting me in a very uncomfortable position. So I stood up and left just like that.

Then recently (C) completely shunned me out of her close friends. Tell me that isn’t petty? Does she see me as a threat?

But I don’t really need people like that in my life anyway, (A) was so low to put me in that situation and (C) will betray me in a heartbeat for a guy.

I love some advice or opinions on this issue i’m facing…

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