So I am 27(F) and work with 32(M). Basically we’ve been working together for a few months, and sometimes we talk, but I’m not social, especially with certain subjects. However, within the first week on him starting he’s been “making jokes” about how I need to go to his house, or I need to go over and meet his dogs.

I also recently missed a class so I can’t legally do my job well, which has left him working 7 days a week to cover for me. So I basically see him every single day. And most my shifts. When it gets slow he says stuff like “I can think of a few ways to entertain ourselves” and such.

I will literally be on my phone, ignoring him, there was even a point a threw a chair near him and told him I couldn’t stand him, yet he keeps constantly talking to me, if I’m on my phone watching a video he’s always looking over my shoulders, when he gets a ride, he makes sure they always park right next to my vehicle. He also goes through my work bag and “clears stuff up” for me with our boss. My boss won’t talk to me, he basically expects this coworke to communicate whatever to me…which is just annoying.

He’s also recently started physically just getting close, if I go to make coffee he’s always conveniently sweeping floors near me. If I go to the bathroom he’s always doing floors or garbage near bathrooms. If I run into the deli he’s always magically there needing something also. He always gets sad when I decline his food offers. He’s even dug into my bag at work to “give me something”. Lastly when he bought chapstick or whatever the other night he had to tell me that “he hasn’t kissed anyone in awhile” and that his birthday is coming up and he’s gunna be alone.

It basically feels like we’re dating and I hate it and never agreed to anything like this. I’ve even told my bosses that I don’t want to work with him as much and they scheduled him with me more? Am I wrong or weird for feeling this way? Is there any other way I can address this situation? Or am I overthinking things?

I would just quit but I’m a single mom and need this job and hours to make my life work, I don’t have another job lined up and talking to my boss and other coworkers has only made things worse.

TL;DR. Basically I feel like I got forced into a relationship with someone at work and idk what to do or how to handle it, can’t switch jobs immediately and bosses didn’t seem to care as they believe were dating also.

  1. Christ what did I just read, and NO you ain’t wrong for feeling like this. You need to either talk to your boss about how you’re feeling and if he doesn’t do anything about it, get your belongings and get your a** out that job. Don’t know how you’ve tolerated this for so long

  2. Start documenting dates and times and behaviors. Tell your bosses he’s going through your personal belongings and continually distracting you at work when you’ve made it clear that you don’t want to talk to him. Ask them to tell him to stop harassing you and following you around. Ask again that you be scheduled with him less or not at all. Let them know you are documenting his behavior and will be happy to provide that to them so they can take appropriate action.

    Look for a different job if management isn’t taking this seriously.

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