My wife and I are high-school sweetheart and each others only sex partner. Sex is good and frequent and we’re best friends. However she has delayed wanting to have kids and health is not good to the point that I am concerned. If we sell the house she says she is ready for kids. However every year my wife gets worse at spending and we went from 15 k saves to 5 by the year end and she can’t see the problem. I do about 80% of the housework as well.

I still love her but am scared this new future with a kid now will cause a rift and give me burnout. I would like her to be a part of my life forever but don’t want the relationship to sour. I don’t want to be divorced with kids or force us not to be completely happy. Need advice from older couples.

TL;DR: I want to move forward with my life and wife. Were happy but I’m afraid the future I want will sour the relationship and need advise.

  1. What is going on with her health, is it something she can control or not? Why does she want to sell your house? Is she working?

  2. If you’re doing 80% of the housework now, you can probably expect to do 100% of it when a kid arrives.

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