What are common lies that women tell in online dating?

  1. That they love hiking when in reality they kinda liked hiking that one time they went a couple years ago when they got some cool pics for insta.

  2. The way to my heart is “communication” or “making me laugh” or “honesty”. If this were true, there would be no women on dating apps.

  3. “We always read profiles before swiping” – Nope.

    “I’m a sapiosexual.” – The word salad of a profile would indicate that you’re attracted to your opposite if that’s the case.

  4. I find the opposite applies to the main call outs in their profile. So if they specifically call out that they don’t ghost or play mind games then they most likely do.

  5. A good book, a nice glass of wine, and a conversation that sweeps me off my feet. I love spontaneity! Hiking, walks, traveling, the world is our oyster!

    It’s very very rare to ever meet someone who matches that. It quickly falls back on the man to provide the 5W’s.

  6. “Don’t worry about him, he’s just a friend”

    So that was a fucking lie. I’m not still salty, what?

  7. ‘I’m a down to earth type of person.’ Translation: She escaped from Hell, and The Devil himself doesn’t want her back.

    Edit: He lit her way, along with signs saying..’This Way Out’. Sent a couple of his Demons to guide her, and he hasn’t heard from those Demons in 3,000 years. Oh well.

  8. I’m not a man but I will say that the most dramatic, petty and emotionally fragile women I know love to put “I hate drama” in their profile pictures. What they mean is that they want to be the only ones dishing out drama, but they can’t tolerate being the target of it. I am married but when I get to “play tinder” on my male friend’s profiles, that piece of info is an automatic red flag.

  9. They lie about wanting relationships then ask for “roses”. There’s a lot of sex workers on dating apps.

  10. They’re cool with meeting up for coffee, but then they actually don’t, because thy’re actually burnt out with dating but they don’t know how to say so. Ladies, us guys are just as burnt out, but if we don’t keep trying, we’ll never meet anyone. Gotta keep trying if you really want to meet someone good.

    Edit: As some people suggested, and I wholly agree with, it’s a wonderful idea to take a break from dating if you feel burnt out. And feeling burnt out is 100% valid and understandable. You gotta do what’s best for you, at the end of the day 🙂

  11. “I’m super outdoorsy!” They fail to mention that it’s only hanging out on a beach in perfect weather. Rain? Cold? Other outside activities? Nah let’s stay inside.

  12. I’ve been on a bunch of online dates in recent years. More than anything else, the pics are almost always misleading with rare exceptions. I’ve had women ironically breathe a sigh of relief and say, “I’m so glad you look like your pics!” even though they themselves do not.

  13. “I don’t know why I’m on here”

    I do, either you want a relationship, to fuck, or attention. There’s no other reason to be on these apps.

  14. I’m just gonna say 95% of my hookups and one night stands have come from profiles that say no hookups or one night stands

  15. I think misrepresenting how they actually look in real life by using heavily doctored of filtered photographs counts. I met a woman once and when she approached me I had no idea who she was. I said “sorry, I’m waiting for someone” and she said “it’s me”. Then she was put off by my reaction to her.

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