I always seem to get negative karma on most of my posts and comments while other people posts get more likes.

For example I made this post which is downvoted.


However other similar topic posts are much better received.

500k Milestone
byu/ScottyMcScot inFire

Does anyone know why this is happening? Not sure if some haters subscribed to my profile and keep downvoting me on everything I post or if I need to improve my posts.

1 comment
  1. Well when you’re mentioning in a post about how it’s “less popular than I expected” then that’s going to give off a vibe that you’re just posting it for karma or attention.

    And when you start letting karma bother you to that extent as well then other people will pick up on that.

    Like any forum, post about what interests you or what you like and if people respond then great, engage with them and talk about the thing you like.

    If they don’t respond or downvote you then who cares ? Just move on and make your next post.

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