How old were your parents when their first grandchild was born?

  1. My parents had their last son being 43 (she) and 41 (him) and the first grandson being 58 and 55. He died at 61, she at 66.

  2. Dad didnt make it. Mum is 60 and counting. I’d guess she’d be around 65 if she ever has grandchildren.

  3. 48 and 49. They died at ages nearly 98 and 98, so they have seen all the grandchildren grow up and even knew their greatgrandchildren.

  4. I’m 22, I don’t have older siblings and I don’t plan to have children for few years, my dad is currently 65

  5. My parents don’t have grandchildren (mum is 59, dad is 57).

    My grandmother was 50 when the first was born and 57 when the last was born. Grandpa was 47 and 54, respectively. This was back in the late 80s and early 90s.

  6. Mine were in their mid 40s when my sister had her first baby and then in their early 50s when we had our first baby.

    My in-laws were in their mid 50s when my brother-in-law had his first baby and then in their mid 70s when we had our first baby. They’re old but Jaysus they’re the best grandparents in the world, I adore them

  7. OP: How old were your parents when their first grandchild was born?

    Commenters ITT: My parents don’t have grandchildren.

    Then why the fuck are you answering?

    To actually answer OP, 46/48, which is considered pretty young.

  8. 57 and 61.

    I’m the youngest of our family (all cousins included) and was the first one to have a child (at 28)…. so 28 years with no birth, needless to say my son was spoiled!

  9. My mother was 46, which is (I think) pretty young, but I don’t think that’s so usual in this day and age in Spain, with the declining birth rates and the increasing age at which Spaniards have their first child.

  10. My parents became grandparents just this year: mum has just turned 60. (She had a rough year for the ol’ life conveyor belt turning 60 and becoming a bona fide grandmother in the space of a few months 😂), and dad is 69.

  11. My parents were 60 and 61. And had 9 more grandkids in the next 10 years.

    Last one was born when my Dad was 71. He died almost exactly six months later.

    His own father never got to meet all his grandchildren so I take a lot of solace in that.

  12. My dad was 54 when my half brother had his first kid in 2010. When I had my first kid in 2015, my mom was 55.

  13. really old! 2 of my grandparents were born before 1900.

    My mom was a happy accident, she was born when her mom was 40 and her dad 42. I was a desired accident, born when my mom was 40, and my dad 41. So my grandparents on my mom’s side were 80 and 82. On my dad’s side, grandpa died when my dad was 14, and gramma…I don’t know exactly, but she was pretty old too. I was born in 1970, I mean I’m no spring chicken, but…2 of my grandparents were born in the 19th century. And my mom? she is alive and well at age 93. Unfortunately for her, no grandchildren, I never had any.

    So unfortunately, my grandparents weren’t in my life for very long, but I think they all made it to 90. But I remember them very fondly.

    I wish I had asked them more question about what they lived trough- my grandpa was a soldier in the first world war. We are from the Netherlands, which was a neutral nation in the Great War- so he did not see direct combat, but I bet he had some good stories.

    The Netherlands did not escape the Nazis in the second world war though; and at my mom’s side, they lived in Rotterdam, a city that was almost entirely destroyed by Nazi bombs, and after that, my mom saw the Jewish kids in her class disappear one by one, only found out later what had happened to them. At one point, she could not go to school any more, as there was no fuel to heat the building, and bombing raids by the allies were common; and at the end, she and her family came close to starvation…

  14. I don’t have any kids, but my grandparents were all somewhere between 50 and 65 when I was born.

  15. They are 72 (dad) and 74 (mom) now. Unless a total miracle happens they will die without any grandchildren. As far as I know, that’s fine for them, they are not family oriented people.

  16. 42. I’m over 42 now, oh god, not ready for grandchildren. Luckily my son is probably not having any kids any time soon.

  17. My parents were 35 when they had me, two years after my brother. They were 63 when they had their first grandchild. Now they are 72, may they have many healthy years ahead of them.

  18. They won’t ever have one. I’m an only child and can’t have children anymore, and never wanted to.

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