This includes casual dating, talking stages and long-term relationships. You can say your age if you want.

How many exes do you think is normal? I’ve seen people complain about Taylor Swift having 11 exes at 33, even though she’s said some of the alleged exes are platonic male friends and casual dating / talking stages. I don’t think she even needs to defend herself. 11 is okay in my opinion. Not every relationship has to be for marriage or long term. Some are just meant to last 2 months and go.

What about you? How many have you had? How many do you think is “normal”, or ideal?

  1. Do one night hookups count?

    One night: 10

    FWB: 2

    Long term: 3 (2 years, 5 years, 8 months)


  2. I’ve been romantically and/or sexually involved with 55 people. That only includes people I’ve been fooling around with in some manner. I’m 37 years old.

    I would consider eight of them as serious relationships.

  3. 27F here: If you include talking and casual dating, probably 10. If you count interacting longer than 1 month, 3 people. If you ask me how many relationships I actually count, 1.5 🤣

  4. Like, including every 1st date ever? That would be a lot.

    If were talking people Ive had a romantic relationship with, its 20 by 32 years old

  5. 32y m here, had like 9 real relationships – only 3 summer kinda things
    Also i dont think there is a “normal” amount – best would be if you find your soulmate early like a friend of mine had and is married to his 2nd girlfriend since then.

  6. everyone i’ve ever talked to in a romantic or sexual capacity? a lot. just what was deemed “official”? 2 online relationships (3 and 10 months) and 1 real relationship (1yr 7months) and still with him. and i’m 16

  7. I’m 36, and I’ve had three relationships that I consider “serious”: my high school girlfriend, my college girlfriend, and my current fiancé.

    I don’t really know how to define a “casual” relationship. Were the girls that I spent 4-14 weeks hooking up with in college relationships? With those girls we would hang out at the bar and at mixers, and hook up all the time, but not really go on dates.

    Have the women I’ve dated as an adult counted as “casual” relationships? About a year before I met my fiancé there was one woman that I dated for about 10 weeks; we went out on like 5-6 dates, and I’d also go to her apartment to spend the night once or twice a week, not including date nights. I suppose I’d call that a “casual relationship”.

    When I was 24-26, I was basically the booty call for an older woman in her early 40s for two years; she would basically call me like 2-3 times a month to come over and watch half a movie and then have sex. One time she made me hide because her 17 year old daughter came home unexpectedly 🤣 Does that count as a “casual relationship”? I don’t really know.

    There have been other women who I hooked up with on a regular basis, and sometimes even did date-like stuff with, but I don’t really know how define them as relationships or not since the term “casual” can be so subjective.

  8. I’m 18F with 1. I’ve been with him for a year now.
    He was my first body too and I was his 4th body I think.

  9. 42m: 5 long-ish relationships (2 or more years) and probably around 30 total partners, most in my 20’s. Single for 2.5 years

  10. Honestly agreed. I technically had three relationships but my longest relationship is five months LOL. I’m only 20 though lol

  11. After much thinking I only really had 1 real relationship in my life. There was another one, but that person basically played on my trauma and it ended after like one or two months. And after that I never got into a relationship again. Hopefully that will change but my chances look bad honestly.

  12. 26F, I’ve been in 8 relationships. Three of them were in high school, but for the past 2 years, I’ve just been falling in love with myself, as everyone should in their 20s. I also love Taylor Swift; I wonder if that is at all related 😉

  13. 39f Two full-blown exclusive relationships. One was 17 years long, and the other (current) 2 years.

    The following were jn the one year between my relationships:

    Three non-exclusive dating relationships that were only about 2-4 months each.

    Three casual sex.

    One weekend fling.

    A few talking stages.

  14. 34m with 4 in total: 3 relationships 1 Fwb all short term unfortunately. MANY attempts but, they keep choosing someone else so, there’s that 🙁

  15. I’m 27. I’ve had two long term relationships that lasted 4 years and 3 years respectively. I’m currently dating one person for about a month. Maybe 1-2 talking stage people in between those

  16. 1 serious relationship, which lasted over 11 years and 2, that just barely made it beyond talking/getting to know and onto sex… Sex once with one girl and had sex 3 times with the other before parting ways and ending whatever we had.

    43yo Male. I get hit on constantly by younger girls, but they only ever seem interested in my money. Had a few dates in recent years but called it after the first or second dates when they seemed determined to know my salary. That’s just a no-go. I have more self-respect than that and would much rather be single than be with a goldigger, young, brainless, ‘hottie’.

  17. I am 57 and have had 3 serious (and heartbreaking) ones.
    2 narcissists and an alcoholic.I never went looking for any of them either. They found me. Just lucky I survived them all.

  18. Casual dating and talking stages are not relationships.

    35M – 0 relationships and around 3-5 hookups

  19. 3 at 23. Two were in high school, last one was afterwards and I’ve been fairly off out from the whole dating scene since.

  20. 28-1 (lasted 5 mo). But I have been on 1st dates with 3 others which didn’t even lead to kisses so I don’t really count them.

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