So I (21F) have left all social media for 2 years now. I don’t have snap nor instagram or facebook anymore. The main reason I decided to delete all my social was because I was tired of seeing my friends hang out without me, it made me procrastinate a lot and I would also unconsciously compare myself a lot to others. I could write a list about all the aspects of social media that I dislike. I also have self-image issue so even when I had them I didn’t post anything. Ever since, my mental health has been much better and I procrastinate less often . I do use WhatsApp still but it’s a bit different.

The thing is I have been meeting more people and I feel like I should keep in touch with some of them( By keeping in touch I mean messaging or commenting in their post once every few months), it might help with networking (I might benefit from keeping ties with those people and this could be helpful for my career ) and I’ve also been told that my lack of social media presence is a red flag. I could ask for the number of all those people but it’s not really the same as casually commenting on someone’s post.

So should I reconsider it? Is there a better way to keep in touch with people?

  1. Its better to call them. Whenever you miss them, text them…. Insta will only make life harder for you

  2. Texting/WhatsApp would be better. I’ve realized people sometimes don’t open their insta dms, even close friends, so it might not be the best app to use to stay in touch. However if you feel it won’t bring your mental health back down, go for it

  3. Same boat here, haven’t had Instagram in around 4 years. From time to time I think about starting one again but it would be an aquarium themed. But I’d never go back for the social aspect. I hate comparing myself to others, it does literally no one any good. So no, I don’t think you should go back unless you really wanted to. I mean, you could always use it again and quit if it didn’t turn out the way you planned. But I’ve been managing fine using text and email.

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