Hey there, since Marijuana is legal in a lot of places in the US I was wondering how you’d react when someone you know told you he’s high right now and is enjoying it. Would you be something like “wtf!?” or “awesome, enjoy your high, wish I had some weed too!”

  1. It depends. Personally I wouldn’t be thrilled with someone I don’t know telling me they’re sooooo high right now… That’s something you’d say to friends who you trust, not strangers or acquaintances.

  2. I wouldn’t be surprised at all.

    It’s kinda cheating, tho. I live in Southern California…

  3. Unless you’re taking it with others around, I wouldn’t expect someone to say that. If they do, they are so faded they don’t even know what’s happening around them.

  4. That heavily depends on the person. Some people don’t care, others might.

    When my friend tells me he is, I think “nice lol”.

  5. It’s pretty much like hearing someone say, “I’m tipsy.”

    At least where I live, it’s not seen any differently from someone drinking alcohol.

  6. Yes and no.

    Yes, because it’s weird to tell people that you’re high, nobody really gives a shit or want to know.

    No, because drug culture views drug use as “cool” so they THINK other people want to know.

  7. It would depend on the circumstances. But it’d be basically similar to someone telling you they’re *soooo drunk*. I’d generally try to end the conversation fairly quickly because talking to someone drunk/high isn’t very interesting. And if they’re a casual acquaintance or a stranger, I definitely don’t want to know about it.

  8. Depends on the context. At a party? Don’t care. At work or the doctor’s office or something? Concerned.

  9. You don’t really tell people you are drunk or high, except maybe as a teen who is excited to be so with friends?

    When you are kids, sitting around actually smoking together – when it hits you, you might be like – OH I’m so high! There’s no response because it’s not super useful info. It’s usually ignored, or maybe “yeah, me too”.

    As an adult partaking, say at a party or something, it’s a bit gauche to talk about you being drunk or high, and way better to be able to only drink or smoke enough so that you enhance your time, not let it impede on you socially. It’s not really discussed, except with the people you are partaking it with.

    If I was out somewhere and someone told me he was high? If it wasn’t a good friend – it would be very awkward. I would expect maybe they were not very good socially or perhaps some mental issues.

  10. Is this a completely random interaction? At least where I live it wouldn’t be that strange. And although you can get a medical card in Florida, it is still illegal. For example I have my medical card and can go to any dispensary no problem. However I can’t just take it anywhere and use it. There’s still a stigma on those who use it. And having a conversation about it wouldn’t be that common.

  11. I think this really depends on context.

    Are we at work? Are you a cop pulling me over to give me a speeding ticket? Are you my bus driver? Not cool at all and very wtf.

    Are you just a random stranger? Weird thing to tell me I guess, but you do you.

    Friend in a social situation? Good for you, have fun.

  12. it’d be about the same as someone walking up and being “dude, I’m so drunk”. funny in some situations, just a bit weird in others — depends on who it is, how well you know them, etc.

  13. It’s not weird. People do it all the time. It wouldn’t be something you tell your parents (usually) or your boss, but people tell their friends all the time.

    But IMO it’s obnoxious if people talk about it too much. I don’t care if you use it, but if weed is one of the more significant parts of your personality you’re pretty boring.

  14. “We’re all stoned, buddy, it’s just most of us have enough of a life not to bring it up in casual conversation. “

  15. I’d say it’s weird because you are in 1 of 2 situations.

    1. A situation where it’s not surprising therefore it’s kinda useless information. Like a party.
    2. A situation where it’s surprising and therefore makes the situation awkward. Like when driving a bus.

  16. In what context? Are we sitting around sharing a bowl and it’s hitting them and they say “Whoa man, I’m feeling pretty good right now”? Obviously, me too.

    Or just a text out of the blue, “Dude I’m so high”? Uh, good for you?

  17. Would depend a lot on who they were and what the situation was. Last time it happened to me my new girlfriend came back from her dad’s place and said she was stoned. We both laughed about it and went to get some snacks and a beer for me.

  18. Depends upon the circumstances. Is that person at a party and will be driving home impaired? Babysitting or responsible for someone else? Or kicking back at home hurting no one? Context matters.

  19. Kinda depends on context, but generally it’s considered somewhat off behavior to announce your intoxication unprompted.

  20. I’m high quite often but almost never feel the need to tell anyone. I don’t think it would be weird to hear. Kind of weird to say.

  21. What would you do if a friend told you they were enjoying the caffeine from their cup of coffee? What if your friend had a cocktail and liked it???

  22. It would be weird if my grandma said it but not my friends/coworkers. Either way I’d probably just reply with a “nice” and a double thumbs up.

  23. I’ve had people tell me they’re high before. Usually they’re being stupid and just say “sorry I’m really high haha.” And I just respond with “nice! No worries dude!”

  24. If we’re stacking up at a door, I’m gonna be a bit upset. If we’re hanging out on a couch, I don’t care. Context is key.

  25. >someone

    depends who the someone is.

    random stranger? i’d keep walking and be a bit confused.

    friend that i just asked to help me carry something? ‘oh, cool, don’t worry about it’.

    sometimes it’s super relevant. 😂

  26. I would have definitely noticed if they were high. I’d be like “nice” , where’d you get it. What kind it is. All kinds of weed questions. With a big smile 😁.

  27. It’s still illegal in my state but it still wouldn’t surprise me. I mostly don’t care.

  28. Depends on the situation. Are they driving, providing childcare, or otherwise in a situation where being high would be irresponsible? Then people will be pissed.

    But otherwise, I’d probably just laugh and say “Okay, enjoy!” or something like that.

    If it seems like they’re getting high to deal with pain or stress or something, I might ask if they need anything.

    I don’t think it would ever get an “Awesome!” response from me, but I don’t smoke.

  29. Depends on the context, and for the record I live in Los Angeles, so there’s a fair amount of neutral weed culture here

    If someone told me during their leisure time they were high, I wouldn’t think anything of it. At the beach, a bar, hiking, camping… the movies… it’s totally meaningless. It’s not unlikely I am also stoned. I might have some second hand cringe for someone announcing they were high, but I wouldn’t think twice if I was out with friends or acquaintances and they asked if I wanted to take a hit off their J. I’m not concerned with other people’s cannabis usage.

    If someone said this to me in a professional environment, then yea, I’d say “wtf” or just “why.”

    My feelings about people consuming weed are almost 1:1 to people having had a beer or some wine. It’s just not a big deal assuming you’re not conducting normal adult business life high, which is just reckless and dumb.

    But no, I don’t think people consuming cannabis is weird.

  30. I’d be concerned. Not because they’re high, but why are they telling me?

    If it’s so they don’t have to drive or want to get lunch or something, cool. If it’s just random, you might be too high. Trust me, marijuana *smells* if you’re not the one smoking it. We know.

  31. Not really an answer to your question, but I’m still not used to people talking about weed in public (like at work) or even the concept that I could go to an after-work happy hour and someone could start vaping. It’s just kind of crazy that overnight it’s no longer a secret or something. I don’t personally partake, but I wonder how many people will keep their use a secret even though it’s legal.

  32. It isn’t legal in my state, so I would not say that I’m high unless I knew for sure that the person I was talking to wouldn’t care. So just randomly? No, I would not.

    And even though it is legal in a lot of places, I still think there is a stigma with that hasn’t gone away yet.

  33. I live in the pnw so it’s pretty much never unexpected for informal situations among by peers. I would be pretty surprised if like, my doctor or professor told me that tho

  34. If my friend just randomly said they were high I would just say “nice” probably, and ask for some if I was in the mood.

    If you feel you’re acting strange or spacey it’s not weird to say “sorry Im a little baked” in some situations. I’ve definitely done it before.

  35. It’s a sign of immaturity in my opinion. I don’t care if you are high (unless you are responsible for someone else’s safety) but there is no need to talk about it. When I was in college, freshman would down a beer and then act crazy and talk about how drunk they were. Same vibe.

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