Finally met the sweetest guy ever but turns out we both have thalassemia trait and our babies would be at high risk of getting thalassemia major. We both decided not the continue 🙁

It really hurts because after about 50 mediocre dates I finally met someone who I connected with. Just need to vent and some support …
I can’t stop thinking about him!!

  1. I say go for it. You’ll have to pay out of pocket for embryo selection and implantation but you can have kids. Finding someone compatible is rare

  2. I think it’s good that you are proactive, but when you getting a good iud and he always uses condoms and maybe later a vasectomy, how shouldn’t that work in the long run? There are thought of kids waiting for parents in the System and a healthy sperm donation would work too. But it seems you already made your decision.

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