So as an introvert, I (F22) am pretty good at one on one conversations. They usually flow well and I can have fun and joke around with the other person.

But as soon as someone else joins in, it is like I automatically fade into the background. I have trouble interjecting things in the conversation, I get talked over or get interrupted, and it seems like the conversation suddenly flows way better between the other people and I am just standing there laughing awkwardly. It’s even worse when there’s more than 2 other people. I loose all my confidence to speak and I feel like people tend to ignore me.

I really want to learn how to do well in groups and to participate in conversations so I would appreciate any advice or experiences from people who may be in the same situation!

  1. I like group situations precisely because I can fade into the background whenever I need a break.

  2. Divide and conquer ha ha

    I think it’s a good idea to establish good relationships with every member of the group, especially at a workplace or uni. Anyway, it it’s not possible, please don’t try to be more talkative than you are and yada yada. Say something only when you want to say anything, don’t push yourself.

    Also, the best strategy is to say out lout what you feel and warn others that you can feel introverted and need to be pushed sometimes. I promise there will be at least one person who’ll get alerted and will try to pull you into a convo at every occasion. Warning others about your possible flaws is a power move

  3. I do way better in group situations because I can shut up without looking weird. It is when it’s only the two of us when I start to panic

  4. I’ve always preferred group conversations over one on one, mostly because I’m bad at small talk and the more people talking in a group, the less likely it is for awkward silences and such to happen

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