Hi everyone,

I find myself in a bit of a dilemma and could really use some outside perspectives.

Back in August, I met a guy while on vacation in Venice. We had a brief but intense romantic connection; he was incredibly respectful of my boundaries, and we shared some special moments over the two days we spent together. We didn’t have any sex, just kissed and cuddled in his bed. He’s a very sociable guy, has an active social/dating life, and he seemed to be very attracted to me based on his behaviour. For example he said ‘cuddling with you feels better than having sex with other women’ or he would make jokes about visiting my country, or telling me continuously that he finds me beautiful and that i’m the beauty standard to him.
While cuddling, he mentioned that if I ever came back, I could stay at his place.
He was actually the only guy of all the guys that liked me, that i truly found attractive.
He does seem like he has lots of dating experience, he had loads of stories to tell about it, had 3 prior long term relationships as well, alongside with hookups. He could pick up a girl from the street and take her home he said.

It’s been about three months since the vacation, and we haven’t kept in touch. I’ve booked a week long trip to Florence for February, for the most part it’s because i want to visit him in Venice and don’t want to make it too obvious if i reach out. I can’t stop thinking about reaching out to him in February about visiting him, because I’m hesitant for a few reasons:

– He stated he doesn’t do long-distance relationships. Sometimes he gets tempted in the bar by a girl and wants to try it out with her, he said.
– We’ve had zero contact since the vacation.
– I’ve developed strong feelings for him and am unsure if I’m setting myself up for more heartache.

I’m torn because on one hand, I miss him and would love to see him again and be in his company,
but on the other hand, I don’t want to feel worse if it turns out he’s moved on or isn’t interested in reconnecting. I deal not very well with rejection, as in i internalize it and feel very bad/anxious about it for months after.

So, should I reach out to him in February? Or is it better to let this vacation fling remain a memory and move forward without reopening what might be a closed chapter, and just plan the trip and be solo in Florence? I cant cancel the tickets anymore.

TL;DR: Met a guy on vacation, had a short but intense romantic connection, and he’s been on my mind ever since. It’s been months with no contact since then, and I’m contemplating reaching out to him when i visit his country again. Wondering if I should make the move or not, considering he mentioned he’s not into long-distance relationships and the initial fling was very short. Looking for advice on whether to contact him and how to deal with these lingering feelings.

  1. I personally don’t think that the two of you are going to have the happy ending you’re envisaging because he’s already made it clear that he doesn’t do long distance, he likes to pick up and the big one, he’s not been in contact with you.

    That said, you’re obviously quite infatuated with him and I think that you’re probably not going to be able to let go of this unless you contact him. I don’t see any harm in contacting him or even going to visit him but just keep in mind that if he doesn’t make the effort to see you or keep in contact, then he’s not interested.

    I could be wrong and I think it would be awesome if the two of you ended up turning into something special. I’m married to my “holiday fling” so it does happen.

  2. Number one, why are you posting this again, what response are you not getting? Two, why would you get emotionally invested in a promiscuous vacation fling?

  3. You’re going to have to be ok with having a trip by yourself anyway, there’s no guarantee this guy will be available or even interested still tbh. I think it was a fun fling but probably doesn’t mean more than that.

  4. You’re in love with the idea of him and the potential future you could have. You’re not in love with him as a person. You only knew him for two days. That’s no where near long enough to actually genuinely get to know someone

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