A few days ago I was using my boyfriend’s cell phone when I found an album of photos of random women, they are not famous, they are not porn stars, most of them were just everyday women that he knows, they were not nudes, they were not erotic, they were just selfies.

For context, we were in the process of rebuilding the relationship after a fight (we´ve been together for over a year), I was putting effort into being attentive and detailed. When I mentioned the photos to him, after a long time of being silent, he told me that he only did it because it felt good to do something that he knew he shouldn’t do, that he considered it something that was addictive, he assured me that he didn’t use them for anything sexual or that they were people he was hooking up with (he just finds them and keeps them). I only saw a few but when I asked he told me he had a full album of them, supposedly he’s been doing that even long before we even met. I don’t know what to do, I feel betrayed, I’m disgusted that he could do something knowing that it would hurt me and that he wouldn’t regret it until I found out. Until that day I trusted him with my eyes closed, I genuinely believe that he wouldn’t do something to hurt me on purpose. I can’t imagine seeing him the same way, but I also understand what an addiction is.

Im not used to writing stories like this on Reddit, but I really want an unbiased opinion. I wanna know your opinion, should I try to forgive or is this something unforgetabble? Should I believe on him again? We’ll go to couples therapy, but I don’t know what to do with all this, I can’t imagine seeing him the same way, even tho I wanna.

1 comment
  1. Are there any of YOU in there? Ask him, and check, then ask him why or why not. See how the answer to that makes you feel, and perhaps let THAT feeling guide you?

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