Ladies in case you were wondering, this is the type of stuff guys are thinking about when you ask them what they’re thinking haha.

  1. I sincerely apologize and tell them all the beer and mead is on me for the rest of the night.

  2. Roar and charge at them like an enraged berserker hopefully they’ll decide not to mess with me

  3. Switch seats & tell them my other half was driving.

    (jk obviously. I´d give them a sincere apology before they send my ass to Valhalla)

  4. Guess I’ll contact the authorities to notify them about a temporal anomaly spitting Vikings out into the 21st century

    Wait, did you mean, like, the football team or something?

  5. First i’ll ask them how they managed to travel through time, then realise that they speak old norse, and i don’t.

  6. Yell “THAT’S FOR OLD ENGLAND” and then speed away taunting them with the two finger gesture.

  7. Being Icelandic I somewhat relate to this question. Nut the correct answer is bringing out the car incident report and fill it out in cooperation with the other vikings I just rearended

  8. First, my heart would go straight to my feet. What did vikings do with women back then? Did they kill them for sport too or..? My best bet at living would be to reverse and haul ass out😂

  9. I once thought:

    *Huh, huh! I’m vaguely human shape and I keep crows out of your corn! I’m a SCARECROW!*

    While an ex was fighting.

    Men are good for a lot, but sometimes… We earn that *’WOW!’*

  10. Tell them it’s not as damaging as the 1998 NFC Championship game and drive away while they cry

  11. Apologize and then hit on them because vikings are totally the kind of guys I’m into

    *I might get beaten to a pulp but at least I’d have tried*

  12. piss and puke on myself. No better defensive movement than soiling yourself and run at them screaming

  13. Pull out a bottle of whiskey and offer to share it with them. While they’re drinking, call the police.

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