The session lasted for almost 2 hours. Due to the pants, shaft could NOT get straight up. I had kept it to the left to not make a visible tent. And I experienced pain at the end of 2 hrs at the base towards left. Since then I get slight pain on the same spot whenever my penis is in pants while I’m getting aroused. Doesn’t pain when flaccid. Doesn’t pain when I have my pants off and getting aroused. And can masturbate fine.
since the incident, it kinda makes it uncomfortable to get hard ons with pants ON. I can’t enjoy my random erections, unless I make my length free.
Should I go to the doctor? Does this phenomenon have a name? (is this what we call ligament injury) Would it get worse or better without doing anything?

The pain was more in first 2-3 days. Reduced later. But I’m surprised it’s still there even after few weeks. (I never restricted its rise since the incident)
I have been neglecting it all these days after those first 2-3 days passed. But then realised yesterday during morning wood that it is kinda painful. I was on my stomach. And it’s already been weeks since that incident happened, so why is it still paining?

Would this be an issue during sex? I’m virgin.

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