Me (17M) and her (17F) have been talking for a while, have hung out a lot and have stayed up late cuddling watching movies. I haven’t had the courage to go for the first kiss. We are both very comfortable around each other but I just can’t make the move. Someone help pls

  1. Watch some romantic movies I guess. Some intimate scene in the movies can provoke your feelings better and makes the whole situation seems right too.

    And, don’t hestitate. Do it straight. And be gentle.

  2. Next time you guys are up late watching a movie or just are alone together, try noticing if theres any moments during conversational highs (laughing, good chemistry going, joking around, etc) where she might look into your eyes for a second too long, there might be an awkward silence out of nowhere, she smiles up at you shyly, blushing, etc. Those are the windows of opportunity and hints you’re missing out on. If there’s really good sexual/romantic tension between you guys all it really takes is holding eye contact a little longer with a little more intensity than normal and then moving towards her. She’ll likely meet your lips before you even get far. And if you guys are already cuddling then you are either halfway there already or you are incredibly deep in the friendzone.

  3. Ask when it feels appropriate. It’s not hard, nor does it ruin the mood if done gently. Consent is sexy.

    Smoothly weave it in while cuddling, whispering sweet nothings to each other, for example.

  4. I know this feeling haha, my first girlfriend and I were similar. I was 15 and ended up just asking if I could kiss her. (With some finnesse of course)

    My advice, don’t overthink it. Lean in and close your eyes. The magic will happen

  5. If you are cuddling already. Just put on a movie, cuddle, and when you’re talking to her. Have good eye contact and look at her lips occasionally.

    She’ll get the hint, and then *slowly* go in for a kiss. That slow part is key because she has a chance to bow out if she doesn’t want it and she can mentally prepare for it.

    It’s pretty intuitive from there on out. Just follow her energy.

  6. The romantic movie is a really nice idea if you are doubting yourself don’t forget that she wouldn’t cuddle with you if she doesn’t like it – so of course go for a kiss, just be gentle.

  7. My most recent relationship started with talking and cuddles first too. We were laying there one night and he kissed my forehead, left his lips there and noticed I didn’t get upset, then moved to kiss my cheek and I just took care of the rest. It was the sweetest way anyones ever gone for it. I can’t speak for all women, but many of us are suckers for a forehead kiss.

  8. Next time you’re cuddling, position yourself so you’re facing each other. Look at her eyes, look at her lips, look at her eyes, smile, then *slowly* move your face in towards her face. Let her see you coming. If she doesn’t turn her head go all the way in for the kiss.

  9. If you like anime there are some love series out there that could help you through the stupidity of not being upfront and just saying what you feel.
    “Love is war”
    “Science fell in love so I tried to prove it” are just two examples.

  10. When you go in for the kiss, go in just past halfway, and if she is into it, she will meet you there.

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