What are your opinions on the value of food and food wastage? And does it differ frok culture to culture?

  1. I hate wasting food in terms of cost. But not afraid or bothered when it happens. I prefer to buy just the amount of food I need eat vs having a bunch and end up throwing away what we don’t get too in time.

  2. I don’t like wasting food and I try to be cautious of it however I will not force eat or force feed people to not waste food.

  3. I sometimes eat too much to prevent food waste. I hate it. I also wish our society had a way to effectively get excess food to those in need.

  4. As someone who lives alone and knows how much I need, I keep waste to the minimum. I keep repeating to my grandparents to not overdo it with food when I’m coming to visit them, but they never listen.

  5. Compost heap. Turn it back into soil, then grow plants in it.

    It’s not really wasted if it becomes food again.

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