Would it make you look at a girl differently? We live an hour apart and he doesn’t offer it but I think he should since I’m the one that’s driving out there so If I asked do you think it would be seem tacky and he wouldn’t want to hang out anymore?

  1. Yes, it’s bad and I would put an end to this relationship.

    By seeing him, you so get something out of the relationship, right?
    If not, stop seeing him.
    If yes, then you can pay for your own gas.

    What you can do instead is have him visit you.
    If he doesn’t or cannot, have him make or order some food or take you out (and paying for it) every once in a while. Do it in a way that you both spend about as much on this relationship.

    Don’t make your relationship transactional.

  2. Have you discussed money? Is it a struggle for you? Are you going to visit him only for his needs?
    These are just a few of the questions that I’d want a back round in before answering

  3. I used to drive 2 hours hours to see my gf 15 days a month religiously, but I never asked for a dime. The time I spent with her was all that mattered.

  4. Depends, is he paying for something else instead?

    I usually do it like this, the one not drivning pays for food and drinks instead. And if it’s far or alcohol is involved, a place to sleep will be offered.
    This has worked fine with the guys I’ve been seeing. We have been alternating a bit where we are, but mostly at thier place because that’s what I prefer.

    To me it feels petty and a bit nit picky if you’re splitting everything all the time. I prefere a bit more of a give and take, and taking turns. Doesn’t need to be 100% even as long as both are puttning about the same in.

  5. Context needed, OP.

    I (35m) love paying for dates, and am generally not one to let my partner pay for much of anything in a relationship, unless I know it’s important to her to do so. That said I would be very very skeptical about a request for gas money.

    Your post is missing some crucial information though. Are you talking about a first date? I would honestly probably cancel the date if a woman asked me for gas money.

    But if you mean that you have been dating this guy for awhile now, and constantly having to drive back and forth, and it is always you doing the driving…ehh, maybe that is more reasonable. Certainly at least you could have a discussion about it – communication is important. Be warned that even in this case I would maybe find it dubious (although I am also wondering why he cannot drive to you some of the times).

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