*im not a native English speaker. Pls don’t mind some errors.
I (22F) matched this guy (23M) on a dating app couple months ago. We live in different countries, we matched when he was here for his work. Unfortunately we couldn’t find to meet up this time but ever since we matched, we’ve been texting everyday, saying good night/good morning everyday, sending voice messages to tell about our days everyday, and we have so many things in common. I genuinely feel some sort of connection with him. He also told me he feels the same way and told me so many sweet things.
Well, I’m quite a optimistic. The country he lives in is actually the place where I have been dreaming of going, so I just booked the flight and I’ll spend more than a week there around New Year’s Day. I told him about this and he’s so happy and excited about it too. Although I’m sure I can enjoy my trip even if we won’t work out after we meet up there, Idk if it’s a good idea to expect us going to a further step.
It may sound stupid/crazy but I kinda have a feeling for him, and hope we’re on the same page. But I’m not sure if I should tell him about this before/during/after I visit him. Is it realistic to be something serious in this situation? Or should I step back before it’s too late and I get hurt?

1 comment
  1. From what I understand, you’re wondering how you should veiw the “relationship” as it is?
    I wouldn’t expect too much before you’ve even met. There’s always the tisk that you don’t click at all irl. Take it chill and see what happens.

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