I’ve been invited to my Brother’s Thanksgiving dinner. Its my first time since I’ve only lived in the US for 6 months now but he moved 14 years ago and has gone completely native. I’ve been asked to bring gravy and he made it very clear that he is OK with, and might prefer, store bought gravy. I’m thinking either Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, or Clarks, but I’d like a veterans experience lol. Also, am I supposed to reserve it in advance or can I just show up like a week before and grab one of the shelf?

  1. Go traders Joe’s. They sell a store branded gravy.

    Just pick it up off the shelf and heat it up when you get there.

  2. > am I supposed to reserve it in advance or can I just show up like a week before and grab one of the shelf?

    Uh oh… have you not already submitted your gravy requisition application to the USDA? At this point I don’t think they’ll be able to schedule your interview in time. Your best bet might be to check the alley behind the Aldi and see if you can score some street gravy.

  3. Skip the packet. 1 part butter to 1 part flour. stir for 2-3 minutes, add 1 cup of broth. whisk. perfect gravy and done.

  4. Heinz gravy is fine. Better than Bouillon gravy is new, it’s fine. Any grocery store should have it.

  5. If it’s fresh gravy he wants, you’ll find it in the refrigerated section of most grocery deli departments. Publix has a good one, but they’re a regional chain. Best to get it early, as in now, before stores run out of it.

  6. Check who is selling fried Turkeys for Thanksgiving, they will 100% have gravy available that is better than any off the shelf gravy.

    Without knowing where you are it’s hard to point you to a specific place.

  7. You can buy pre-made gravy? I am fairly certain that several generations of women in my family are turning in their grave at the thought of store bought gravy right now. I have never seen gravy for sale in the grocery store, but then again I have never looked for it either. That is probably why I have never seen it.

  8. Like what kind of gravy are we talking here? Like gravy that goes on mashed potatoes, gravy that goes on pasta?

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