So Democrats have an Ass, the Republican an elephant ? Rhino is something ? What other animal is used in American Politic ?

  1. There’s also DINO (Democrat In Name Only), for people like Joe Manchin who are officially Democrats but vote like Republicans.

  2. You know, the animals are very fitting. Democrats are stupid assholes, and Republicans are old fat fucks.

  3. The Prohibition Party is the oldest existing third party in the US and uses a camel as its logo.

  4. “Blue dog” is the colloquial term for a conservative democrat, which is an ever-disappearing but once-common group.
    Hawks and doves, for people who support an interventionist foreign policy and people who are pro-peace.
    Libertarians use both the porcupine and the rattlesnake, meaning “leave me alone”

  5. Democrats are a donkey because of Andrew Jackson who’s opponent called him a jackass in 1828. Not the nicest of guys and it is sort of puzzling why he is on the $20 note. In 1854, the Republicans were formed and Lincoln was the first. The elephant was used in political cartoons during the Civil War when “seeing the elephant” was an expression used by soldiers to mean experiencing combat. It didn’t stick until the 1870s.

    RINO is Republican in name only. It’s not a nice thing and it’s just conservatives doing a litmus test.

    Lesser known parties:

    Bull Moose is Teddy Roosevelt and it was around in the early 1900s and this was a progressive party.

    Raccoon was the Whig party which hasn’t been around since 1856.

    Sunflower is the Green Party.

    Panther is the Black Panther party.

  6. It’s not a rhino, it’s RINO: Republican In Name Only. And we call it a donkey. Some politicians are asses no matter what animal they’re represented by.

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