Women of Reddit – What makes you believe in love?

  1. -How people react through times of tragedy and turmoil.
    -Children and how they are towards their parents.
    -And my own family of course. They MUST love me if they can put up with me lol.

  2. My parents.

    Tbh I don’t have a reason to not believe in love. I genuinely believe people are usually kind and loving by heart.

  3. I didn’t believe in love before I met my husband. He is the only person who has ever shown reciprocated love to me. When something is interesting or funny, he can’t wait to share it with me. When he’s stressed or down, he feels better after talking to me. And I’m the same with him. He shows me respect by offering to get me whatever he gets himself, planning dates just as I do for him, standing up for me like I do for him, being open to my way of thinking even if it’s not the same as his, etc. We truly share our lives with one another in every way. When things are great, we go through that together and when things are bad, we’re there for eachother to help the other as well. He’s the only accountable and consistently reliable person I’ve known in my life. Our relationship is the first and only relationship I’ve had that wasn’t mostly one sided, it’s true love all around.

  4. My husband, he’s helped me heal in many ways and always explains his feelings and emotions in a pretty clear way so I don’t second guess what his intentions are. He helps me understand and gain confidence in the choices I’ve made. Not even my parents have shown me such dedicated love

  5. The attachment and connection you can have to someone. To see them with all their flaws and sticking together. Doing life together.

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