For context I’m a 21 year old male living in Australia. My family was semi religious (Greek Orthodox) but it was never taken too seriously, it was only ever my grandparents who used to say stuff like “God won’t love you if you do this” etc. But they never forced it on us.

Recently, however, I’ve been feeling more religious. In the last month or so I’ve had a great desire to learn more about my religion and I guess be closer to Jesus/God. For most of my life I’ve had more agnostic views (I don’t hate religion, I don’t believe there is a God, and I don’t believe there isn’t a God). I don’t think I have the right to say which side is true. However, I do believe in jesus as there is historical records that he actually existed.

Anyways, my point for this post is that I really enjoy watching porn and exploring myself sexually, which from what I know, is a big no no in any form of Christianity.

How do people cope with this?

I admittedly enjoy watching porn and masturbating. I no longer feel guilty after doing it like I used to and have explored myself sexually through the use of toys (fleshlights, dildos, plugs etc.).

I’m a virgin as well so I dont know if this plays any part. I’m straight as well, I do not feel any sexual desires towards males and have found that out through my exploration. One caveat to this is that I find transgender females really hot and would also be open to my future SO pegging me.

How do I factor religion into this? How have others worked with this? Am I overthinking this?

Thanks in advance.

  1. Read the words of jesus.

    Did he say: love thy neighbour? Yes.

    Did he say, dont look at porn, masturbate or have sex? No.

    Its all a personal decision. But as long as everyone is consenting, your porn is ethical, and you are not mistreating others, you wont find to much from jesus against what you are doing.

  2. Religion is like a teacher or a parent. They often claim to be straightforward, but they are nuanced and complicated. Getting to know them doesn’t mean you have to agree with everything about them. You can love them, learn about them and learn from them without being exactly like them. You get to decide which parts of anything mean something to you and which don’t.

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