So my (16m) school mostly consists of transfers including me
I didn’t have friends in my last schools but most of my current friends have and talk to them on the regular meaning I am mostly by myself when not in school.
The holidays are especially rough because they can hang out with their friends a lot more because of the lack of homework (we don’t have homework in our school).

I have no one to talk to/hang out with, im getting incredibly bored of my hobbies (playing video games, going out to a walk, etc) and im starving for social interaction. What should I do?

  1. “Hey what’s up”
    “Wanna play xyz game at my place?”
    Sorry if this isn’t how your age group talks, but you get the idea. If no one asks you to hang out or chats you up generally, plenty of them aren’t doing it for the same reason you aren’t. So take the initiative, get a conversation going and ask guys how they like to spend their free time. You can literally ask “Don’t you hate it how not having homework is simultaneously the best and the worst about this school?”

  2. Here’s a story: I was also feeling lonely on a holiday so i randomly asked one of my classmates if they wanted to hang out at xyz. And when school started again i mentioned this to 3 seperate people and and they all said you should’ve told me to come i had nothing to do in the holiday, so yea just ask people they’re probably in the same situation as you

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