What item in your house have you bought once and it never runs out?

  1. Sesame oil. Got the bottle forever ago and every recipe.i use it for calls for like a teaspoon or 2

  2. Goo-Gone. But it only never runs out because I can’t ever find it when I’m looking for it.

    My mom and dad have had a container of Morton’s salt for like 30 years. I guess she bought pre-filled salt shakers or something because they eat salt.

  3. My houses ability to never not have some kind of repairs needed no matter how much work or money I throw at it

  4. I had a large original Fairy Liquid washing up bottle last about 12 years (the dishwasher does 99% of the washing up). Bought a “new” one when it ran out last year and the new stuff is watery and in comparison and you use it up about 10 times quicker.

  5. Not quite *never*, but honorable mention.

    Kitchen counter mounted soap dispenser with a tiny little bottle. I replaced the bottle with a vinyl hose, slipped over the dip tube. Hose goes to a gallon jug of dish soap. I’ve replaced the jug *once* in the last decade, and not because it was empty. The plastic seam of the jug failed and leaked.

  6. bitters

    one little bottle lasts for generations. I’m pretty sure mine came to the new world in the luggage of a distant ancestor

  7. Tub of brake grease, like a little tub from advance auto, I pulled it out again sunday for a brake job, and realized I will probably have that little tub the rest of my life, it just doesn’t empty.. And I’ve used it for a lot of different things, including some homemade gun lube.

  8. I had a roommate who bought an industrial roll of aluminum foil (like for a professional kitchen). I use that thing for nearly 10 years before it ran out.

  9. Brake part cleaner (auto hobbyist), about 8 years ago I purchased several cases at $1 per can (extremely cheap) and I use it without regard to waste all the time. Somehow I still have like 45 cans of it.

  10. I bought a box of single bladed razors for a thrifted 1950s Gillette safety razor about 8 years ago now. I have like 35% of the box remaining of the blades.

  11. My printer never runs out of ink, but it dries up and forces me to get a new cartridge for my annual printing of something.

  12. My partner’s mom bought us a big box of Saran Wrap from Costco when we moved in together. 9 years later it still hasn’t run out despite using it constantly.

  13. I used to work at Subway and took a couple of the kitchen knives… Not stealing they were going up throw them away because they’d got new ones that were sharper. More than ten years later they are still the sharpest and best knives in my kitchen.

  14. The large bottle of Carolina reaper hot sauce I bought. Don’t get me wrong, I use it often. However, a single drop goes a very long way, and I don’t think it’ll ever go bad because I’m not sure what organism could possibly survive such a hostile environment.

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