IDK what to do. Internet is about to be disconnected until I pay it in full. Destroying my credit right now.

I’m 37, unemployed, no education except for high school, not married, and I live with my mother I feel like George Costanza and my mom is Estelle. hahaha fuck me! This is my opportunity of my life time. Or its going to get really ugly. I feel absolutely screwed.

My dad died late teens, mom kicked me out few years later. Then moved back in before the pandemic. Been trying to get some semblance of a life back while living like this. She’s emotionally distant. It’s like living with a stranger.

Sober almost a few years. Now don’t know what to do right now. It’s all come to a head.

Don’t have anyone or anything.


Thanks to everyone for the replies. Here’s the thing I don’t know what I’m going to eat tomorrow. Put gas in her car. That she hardly lets me drive. I don’t feel like taking a bus and getting robbed or stabbed. IDK how I’m going to pay my phone and internet bill tomorrow before they get cancelled and go to collections.

The ideas of going to school are great. I don’t have the time. This is why ruined my life. I’m not going to go flip burgers at 38 in less than a month. Can’t do it. My mother is of no help. She needs help of her own. I feel awful for her. It’s a fucked up relationship.

So no I don’t think I can turn my life around. I appreciate the replies. I don’t have 6 months or the 12 to 24 months to save up money to go to school or get a place. I’m absolutely fucked. How other people do it IDK. I’m too fucking stupid. You read the stories of the people who made it and I look at myself. This too deep of a hole.


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  2. First, get a job. Any job. Being employed is motivating.

    Plan to move out even if it with a group of younger men as roommates. Build on that.

  3. your not on drugs, you seem to have your health, and you don’t have any toxic friends (having shitty friends is allot worse than having no friends trust me)

    your too stupid? do you have a low iq, dyslexia, and short-mid term memory loss? i do, fuck school i make more money than all my friends who went to college! even better i have no debt!!!

    i gotta say tho “im not going to go flip burgers at 38”… why? you think you’re better than the other 38-50 year olds that flip burgers? if i were you id save up for a trade school.

    little trick i learned when i would sleep on the subway so you can take the buss. dont wear nice clothes or shoes or backpack dont hold onto more than $10 and put a burner phone in your front pocket (i sewed a small pocket to my underwear for my smartphone) also be careful because your going to want to take it out while your on the buss to pass time once your get comfortable. DONT!

    you got this man. just think of how much more sweet it will be when you succeed coming from a low! think of how proud mama will be!

  4. Put all your focus into getting a job that is appropriate, which is not the same as the job you are maximally qualified for and will make you happy, but the one that meets you where you are at right now. If it is shitty, interview while working for a better one and leverage your experience.

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