why does no one talk about how hard it is to actually sell feet pics or nudes or anything in that genre. can anyone give me genuine advice on how to go about it. I don’t want a lecture I’m 18 and able to make my own decisions lol-I have my morals and know my limits, if anyone can help me out with tips and tricks I’d appreciate it 🙂

  1. It’s definitely not a get rich quick kind of thing. You have to put in hours and hours of time, advertising, making new content etc.
    most people want things for free, you have to find your niche and stick with it. Advertise advertise advertise

  2. Have you had a look at the internet lately? It’s saturated with free everything so you really have to find a niche or build a very very solid following to be able to make anything more than scraps. For most it will probably not be worthwhile

  3. I feel like it’s a door to door salesman, just gotta keep at it till you find the few who actually wanna buy

  4. It’s called sex WORK for a reason; like other jobs you have to start at the bottom (likely making little/no money) and build slowly. Yes some people get super lucky with a niche, but most take a couple of years to get full time/stable.

    Finding a mentor, offering to help bigger creators, being open to collab; would all help.

    However if you’re tryna make a quick 10 or 100 grand, like people did during the pandemic, I think those days are over

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