Young men of Reddit, what is your plan B in life?

  1. My plan B is honestly to just move to Spain, get a job as a dev making way less but I’ll find a beautiful Spanish wife, have beautiful Spanish children, and work my minimum to get a pension. Retire and watch my children have children. That assuming Spain doesn’t go to shit like it already is economically.

  2. Worse case, I think I have enough savings to go live in East Asia some where and just chill. I’m child free and not really close with any of my family so have no real strong ties I also don’t need a lot to be happy in terms of material items . I currently live on the other side of the world than my home country and my partner is also open to the idea if we really decide we are over the grind.

  3. I’m currently getting scuba-certified. It started out as a “this looks fun” hobby thing because I love swimming and water sports.

    Then I realized I live in my country’s sea capital and scuba divers actually make decent money. If, at some point, I’m in a tough career spot and (God bless) my body is still fit and functional, I figure I can try and build a scuba career.

  4. As an adult, don’t worry about plan B, it’ll fail too. Worry more about being a genuine person with a good work ethic.

  5. Plan A is work in a place I love, for money I feel I deserve, while experiencing as much as I can.

    Plan B is just experience as much as I can.

  6. Is 27 young? I’ll be fine ultimately, I’ve been fine before and I’ll be fine again if things go wrong. Things aren’t bad right now, but they’re not good. So I’m thinking I’ll be going to the next plan soon… I just don’t know what it is, the plan is to just move forward I guess.

  7. Plan A was to be a fiction writer. Didn’t pan out.
    Plan B was musician. Didn’t pan out.
    Plan C was teacher. Didn’t pan out.
    Plan D was video game designers. Didn’t pan out.
    Plan E was software engineer. Had a 10 year career.
    Plan F was law school. I’m in my 15th year of practice.

    If that doesn’t work I’m going back to Plan A.

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