If someone ignored you for 2 3 weeks and suddenly starts to talk to you what would your reaction be?

  1. if he stopped talking to me for 2-3 weeks he better not expect me to reply lol. I would keep it cordial but probably make it pretty clear that im not interested in people who forget about me for weeks

  2. Depends on how the last interaction went. But generally I would just carry on talking to them as normal. Catch up, ask what they were up to the last 2 weeks, see if everything was fine, and move on.

    As the one often being guilty of being the disappearing for a week or two friend. I give people the space to do what they want.

    It’s 98% of the time not because they are being malicious about it. And the person who did the “ignoring” usually feels more anxiety over the break than the receiver

  3. ask where they’ve been, if everything is ok, etc. if they’re a close friend and they just didn’t feel like talking to ne I’d probably be hurt and rethink our friendship a little. if we’re not that close then it’s no biggy

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