so, i have nothing wrong with my primary friend group, and chatting on discord with them is fine. but i have little to no interest in hanging out irl, since it feels their primary activities devolved to: bars, drinking, drugs, gambling.

and its not like the crowd i hang out with are a bunch of junkies, we are all in professional fields and they are normal otherwise, but im simply not interested in any of those activites.

I want a casual friend group, so that im not the odd one out. i dont like to drink, have no interest in trying any drugs, not even weed, no gambling, etc. I hate it when even the discord calls switch to these topics cause i dont even care to listen to them.

is this just the norm for my age group? (mid 20s)

since i have no interest in hanging out with my primary friend group irl, i have spent a lot of time mostly just sitting at my computer.

  1. No, not everybody in their mid 20s have limited interests in only drugs/drinking. Find out what activities you like, search for classes online and make a friends group that way. I joined a theatre class and that’s how I found my long time friend group. None of them like drinking (I do but it’s not all I talk about.)

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