I started going clubbing altogether recently but I decided to try going out alone while my friends in college go back to their home for a week break. The idea is that I don’t have the pressure of having people I know who could record or see me if I do something stupid or embarrassing. I went a few times and I’ve had fun at pretty much all of them so far. I met new groups and guys there and I’ve played darts with a group and danced with girls I met there. I tell one of my girl-friends and she tells me it’s weird to go out alone. She didn’t really give a reason but just insisted it was. Like I’d understand if I was just there standing in the corner alone or was creeping on girls but im actually social when I’m there. Idk tho I night go to r/askreddit to see if I’m the only one.

  1. I don’t think it’s weird! After a while, you start to get to know groups of people anyway so it’s a lot like just going out to meet your friends.

    If you feel safe (physically safe, I mean), if you’re enjoying yourself, if you’re not hurting anyone else, if you’re having positive interactions with others, and if YOU don’t think it’s weird, it’s not weird.

    Your friend may be thinking she could never feel safe doing the clubbing-alone thing, or she would be suspicious of a man doing it, but you seem to be doing fine so who cares if your friend defines it as weird?

  2. It’s only weird if you think it’s weird and act like it’s weird. If you act like it’s normal, and you’re having a good time, then great go for it.

  3. Lol, does it really matters? If you are having fun, just go for it and have fun. As the guy above said, nobody actually cares. Your friends might just have something to gossip about.

    Out of curiosity. What is the thing you are looking for, when going clubbing alone?

  4. I’ve done it a few times. The last time I did it on my birthday and had a great time. I deliberately didn’t invite anyone I knew. Best night of my life.

  5. I went to Europe and clubbed alone and hooked up with a bunch of girls. I like it better especially if your in a new area. Your free to do whatever you want.

  6. Imo, clubbing alone feels far less dissonant than, say, eating at a nice restaurant by yourself—on account of the sense of anonymity a packed crowd, dark lighting and loud music offers.

  7. It’s very frustrating to me that people think they can tell you that doing something fun is wrong because they can’t see themselves doing it. She can’t explain why because there’s no reason why. You do you.

  8. I go out clubbing on my own, when the friend I usually go with isn’t available. I have had some people ask if I’m alone but no one has ever said it’s weird.

    As you said in your post, it’s only weird if you act like you are on your own or you feel weird about it. For example, if you stay alone all night stand in the corners and don’t go to the dance floor, then it’s weird.

    But if you get involved talk to people and dance it’s definitely not. Also people won’t think you are on your own if you are interacting with others.

    So if someone tells you it’s weird, it’s probably because they couldn’t do it themselves and are jealous of your self confidence. Think about it, it’s easy to go out with your friends. But going out alone and engaging takes guts and confidence, so own it and go out to have fun.

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