What is the turn point or what is the most you wish for from your lover? What makes you want to commit forever?

  1. first time i met her was at a poker game. i really liked her snark. second time seeing her she had invited me over to her place after i got off work. she grilled me a steak. i thought, yeah, i want this kind of energy in my life.

  2. as a man, the turning point for me was when someone started telling her she’s hallucinating me. before that point, people in my family told me I was imagining her, she doesn’t exist, no way could I love someone that much and where is she anyway, but once people started telling *her* that I don’t exist and threatening to take her to the doctor, I knew she really felt special about me. It’s like that old song, Doctor, Doctor, Give me the news, I got a bad case of loving you. It might sound dopey but that is the point that I knew that the only cure is each other. But they might still try a lobotomy, forced psychiatric medication, and scraping her uterus out, we’ll see! It could be easier than accommodating her need for love.

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