Hey so I know it sounds dumb cuz you know young love and what not but I don’t think I’m doing ok. Here’s some background. So a bit ago my gf f17 said she wanted a break till I was 18 since I have very hard and stressful parents and she couldn’t handle it. I as ok with this and respected it but it felt random and off. Eventually I start noticing that her and my best friend m16 are really close like hanging out every day. Turns out they started dating the day she said she wanted a break. She literally went from my house to his. He doesn’t want her talking to me due to it conflicting the relationship and I feel like shit. I was depressed before this event and trying to figure out if I was suicidal or not but now I feel like I don’t have a purpose. She said it’s because my parents are loving and she can’t deal with the stress but it still hurts. My parents are also making this hard basically making fun of me for being single now. My bf and her were everything to me. I only talked to them and now I feel stupid for introducing them to each other. I just kept telling myself that they were just really friendly and that since he was gay it couldn’t be possibly. I don’t know who to talk to because I feel like I have no one and the people I do have I can’t trust. I feel so empty and worthless atm. Like bullet were shot at me. Why me? I feel like this was my fault and I shouldn’t have introduced them. Idk what to do anymore I’m lost and the fact I have to work and go to school like nothing happens hurts more. What do I do I need advice asap before I do something stupid. I wanna respect her preference because even now I love her and him and wish both of them the best but I feel like god just said fuck you to me. I finally felt good one day and she says this.

TLDR; gf is with my best friend now and I’m lonely

Sorry for bad grammar

  1. You didn’t do anything wrong. It’s not your fault that they did that to you, as much as it seems like it is. Same thing could’ve happened even if you didn’t introduce them. You can’t blame yourself for something they did, as much as it hurts. It’ll be okay, eventually

  2. I’m sorry for the circumstances that this played out, but it feels like they for the most part don’t take into account your feelings. So no need to overstress yourself with them, no “best friend” would act the way yours did by excluding you and dismissing your feelings and no “girlfriend” would act the way she did as they were basically seeing each other behind your back and only making it official just so you knew.

    Your parents maybe unable to relate as they’ve long pass the process of teenage years and can’t understand your pain, you need to express yourself get them to understand what you’re going through and why this hurts you so much.

    I’d suggest not talking with them your ex and best friend, try making new friends as I’m positive there are a lot of people who would be glad to have you as a friend. Everything can be a bit awkward when meeting and engaging new people, but stick around you’ll find friends who you can bound with and find the partner your looking for eventually.

    So don’t be hard on yourself, keep doing you and don’t let anyone make you feel like your inadequate as we can always grow and better ourselves.

  3. This exact thing happened to me when I was your age. I’m 24 now and the only thing I think of those times were THANK FUCK they showed me who they really were so I could get rid of them out of my life, looking at both of them now they did me a big favour. I’d also be willing to bet my life that their “relationship” doesn’t last. Stay strong bro, you’ve still got your entire life ahead of you

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