My boyfriend and I are almost 8 months into our relationship. He is a busy resident for reference but today is the first time in 8 months that he hasn’t texted me all day.

To be fair though, he was short with his reply yesterday and I never messaged him back after. I know he would respond if I messaged him but I just feel like he is being distant.

We have a vacation planned in 2 weeks. And when we see each other it’s always loving so I’m confused at this behavior.

Men, should I be worried?

  1. He’s a resident? Then he’s busy busy busy. Text him if you’re concerned, but he may be swamped.

    This is going to be what it’s like if you’re seeing a doctor. I go days without seeing or talking to my cousin and we are very close. I think you need to manage your expectations a little better.

  2. To me it sounds like he is just a busy resident. If you text him, he texts back right? If he wants or needs something he texts you right? Maybe he is having a bad day? Maybe he is frustrated by you not responding yesterday? Maybe he got in trust for being on his phone? Either way, if things are good when y’all are together you probably don’t have anything to worry about.
    If you need a lot of attention from the person you are dating that is a conversation you need to have with him and reset expectations. If he has a career that is not going to allow him the flexibility to give you the attention you need than maybe you need to re evaluate things. You both need to figure out what you both want and need in a partner and see if things align and see if you are on the same page.

  3. Don’t worry, when she treats you good in real life don’t worry…
    Cause social media stay social media … You should focus in real life , eyes , and gestures , and actions …
    Not in hes texted you or not

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